Kendall DeJonge, Ph.D.

2011 Civil & Environmental Engineering Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 
Agricultural Engineering, Civil Engineering
"Kendall DeJonge"


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Allan A. Andales grad student 2011 Colorado State
 (Evaluation and improvement of ceres-maize evapotranspiration simulations under full and limited irrigation treatments in northern Colorado.)
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Gleason SM, Barnard DM, Green TR, et al. (2022) Physiological trait networks enhance understanding of crop growth and water use in contrasting environments. Plant, Cell & Environment
Comas LH, Trout TJ, Banks GT, et al. (2018) USDA-ARS Colorado maize growth and development, yield and water-use under strategic timing of irrigation, 2012-2013. Data in Brief. 21: 1227-1231
DeJonge KC, Mefford BS, Chávez JL. (2016) Assessing corn water stress using spectral reflectance International Journal of Remote Sensing. 37: 2294-2312
Han M, Zhang H, DeJonge KC, et al. (2016) Estimating maize water stress by standard deviation of canopy temperature in thermal imagery Agricultural Water Management. 177: 400-409
Mkhwanazi M, Chávez JL, Andales AA, et al. (2015) SEBAL-A: A remote sensing ET algorithm that accounts for advection with limited data. Part II: Test for transferability Remote Sensing. 7: 15068-15081
Kinzli KD, Gensler D, DeJonge K, et al. (2015) Validation of a decision support system for improving irrigation system performance Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 141
DeJonge KC, Taghvaeian S, Trout TJ, et al. (2015) Comparison of canopy temperature-based water stress indices for maize Agricultural Water Management. 156: 51-62
Trout TJ, Dejonge KC. (2015) Does Deficit irrigation of field crops increase water productivity? Joint Asabe/Ia Irrigation Symposium 2015: Emerging Technologies For Sustainable Irrigation. 386-393
Ahmadi M, Ascough JC, DeJonge KC, et al. (2014) Multisite-multivariable sensitivity analysis of distributed watershed models: Enhancing the perceptions from computationally frugal methods Ecological Modelling. 279: 54-67
Taghvaeian S, Comas L, DeJonge KC, et al. (2014) Conventional and simplified canopy temperature indices predict water stress in sunflower Agricultural Water Management. 144: 69-80
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