Patrick D. Pedrow
Affiliations: | Electrical Engineering | Washington State University, Pullman, WA, United States |
Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Fluid and Plasma PhysicsGoogle:
"Patrick Pedrow"
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Xie S, Pedrow PD. (2020) A Novel Active Needle Probe in an Atmospheric Pressure Corona-Based Cold Plasma Reactor With Admixtures of Helium and Dry Air Ieee Transactions On Plasma Science. 48: 2418-2430 |
Xie S, Pedrow PD, Englund KR. (2020) Cold Plasma Processing of Biochar Using Corona Discharge in Atmospheric Pressure Dry Air and Helium Ieee Transactions On Plasma Science. 48: 2457-2463 |
Islam R, Xie S, Lekobou W, et al. (2017) Surface modifications of wood materials using atmospheric pressure corona-based weakly ionized plasma Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials. 31: 946-958 |
Islam R, Pedrow PD, Englund KR. (2017) Phenomenology of Corona Discharge in Helium Admixtures Inside a Point-to-Point Electrode Geometry Ieee Transactions On Plasma Science. 45: 2848-2856 |
ISLAM R, XIE S, ENGLUND KR, et al. (2017) Plasma polymerized acetylene deposition using a return corona enhanced plasma reactor Plasma Science and Technology. 19: 085501 |
Lekobou WP, Englund KR, Laborie MP, et al. (2016) Influence of atmospheric pressure plasma treatments on the surface properties of ligno-cellulosic substrates Holzforschung. 70: 55-61 |
Islam R, Pedrow PD, Xie S, et al. (2015) Point-to-Point Corona Discharge in Admixtures of Argon, Oxygen, and Acetylene Ieee Transactions On Plasma Science. 43: 3695-3701 |
Wemlinger EC, Pedrow PD. (2014) Acetylene deposition using atmospheric pressure weakly ionized plasma Ieee Transactions On Plasma Science. 42: 1602-1606 |
Wemlinger EC, Pedrow PD. (2013) Sympathetic current pulses in atmospheric pressure weakly ionized acetylene/argon plasma Ieee Transactions On Plasma Science. 41: 58-61 |
Al-Hamarneh I, Pedrow P, Eskhan A, et al. (2013) Synthesis and characterization of di(ethylene glycol) vinyl ether films deposited by atmospheric pressure corona discharge plasma Surface and Coatings Technology. 234: 33-41 |