Paulo S. Hemsi, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2005 | Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO |
Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Mining EngineeringGoogle:
"Paulo Hemsi"Cross-listing: Envirotree
Sign in to add mentorCharles D. Shackelford | grad student | 2005 | Colorado State | |
(Computational modeling of bioremediation of acid mine drainage in biochemical permeable reactive barriers.) |
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Trindade GB, Hemsi PS, Buzzi DC, et al. (2018) Rates of Sulfate Reduction Achieved in Columns Based on Untreated Sugarcane Bagasse for Metals Removal Journal of Environmental Engineering. 144: 04018046 |
Mattos RC, Hemsi PS, Kawachi EY, et al. (2015) Use of sugarcane bagasse as carbon substrate in permeable reactive barriers: Laboratory batch tests and mathematical modeling Soils and Rocks. 38: 219-229 |
Hemsi PS, Shackelford CD, Figueroa LA. (2010) Calibration of reactive transport models for remediation of mine drainage in solid-substrate biocolumns Journal of Environmental Engineering. 136: 914-925 |
Hemsi PS, Shackelford CD. (2006) An evaluation of the influence of aquifer heterogeneity on permeable reactive barrier design Water Resources Research. 42 |
Hemsi PS, Shackelford CD, Figueroa LA. (2006) Modeling bioremediation of acid mine drainage in permeable reactive 5th Iceg Environmental Geotechnics: Opportunities, Challenges and Responsibilities For Environmental Geotechnics - Proceedings of the Issmge 5th Int. Congress. 901-908 |
Hemsi PS, Shackelford CD, Figueroa LA. (2005) Modeling the influence of decomposing organic solids on sulfate reduction rates for iron precipitation. Environmental Science & Technology. 39: 3215-25 |
Hemsi PS, Shackelford CD, Figueroa LA. (2003) Modeling Sulfate-Reducing Permeable Reactive Barriers For Treatment Of Acid Mine Drainage 1 Journal of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation. 2003: 367-386 |