Amirmasoud Kalantari-Dahaghi, Ph.D.

2013 Statler College of Engineering & Mineral Resources West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, United States 
Petroleum Engineering
"Amirmasoud Kalantari-Dahaghi"


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Shahab D. Mohaghegh grad student 2013 West Virginia University
 (Coupling Numerical Simulation and Pattern Recognition to Model Production and Evaluate Carbon Dioxide Injection in Shale Gas Reservoir.)
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Kalantari-Dahaghi A, Mohaghegh S, Esmaili S. (2015) Data-driven proxy at hydraulic fracture cluster level: A technique for efficient CO2- enhanced gas recovery and storage assessment in shale reservoir Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 27: 515-530
Kalantari-Dahaghi A, Mohaghegh S, Esmaili S. (2015) Coupling numerical simulation and machine learning to model shale gas production at different time resolutions Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 25: 380-392
Esmaili S, Mohaghegh SD, Kalantari-Dahaghi A. (2015) Shale asset production evaluation by using pattern recognition Spe Western Regional Meeting 2015: Old Horizons, New Horizons Through Enabling Technology. 947-966
Esmaili S, Mohaghegh SD, Kalantari-Dahaghi A. (2013) Which parameters control production in shale assets? A pattern recognition study Spe Eastern Regional Meeting. 466-480
Kalantari-Dahaghi A, Mohaghegh SD, He Q. (2013) Impact of sorption isotherms on the simulation of CO2-enhanced gas recovery and storage process in marceilus shale Carbon Management Technology Conference 2013, Cmtc 2013. 2: 1575-1585
Kalantari-Dahaghi A, Mohaghegh SD, He Q. (2013) CO2-driven enhanced gas recovery and storage in depleted shale reservoir - A numerical simulation study Carbon Management Technology Conference 2013, Cmtc 2013. 2: 1492-1522
Mohaghegh SD, Gruic O, Zargari S, et al. (2012) Top-down, intelligent reservoir modelling of oil and gas producing shale reservoirs: Case studies International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology. 5: 3-28
Esmaili S, Kalantari-Dahaghi A, Mohaghegh SD. (2012) Modeling and history matching of hydrocarbon production from Marcellus shale using data mining and pattern recognition technologies Spe Eastern Regional Meeting. 143-154
Esmaili S, Kalantari-Dahaghi A, Mohaghegh SD. (2012) Forecasting, sensitivity and economic analysis of hydrocarbon production from Shale plays using artificial intelligence & data mining Society of Petroleum Engineers - Spe Canadian Unconventional Resources Conference 2012, Curc 2012. 2: 922-930
Kalantari-Dahaghi A, Esmaili S, Mohaghegh SD. (2012) Fast track analysis of shale numerical models Society of Petroleum Engineers - Spe Canadian Unconventional Resources Conference 2012, Curc 2012. 2: 911-921
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