Charles M. Fortmann
Affiliations: | Materials Science and Engineering | Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, United States |
Materials Science Engineering, EnergyGoogle:
"Charles Fortmann"Children
Sign in to add traineeEnrique L. Jaen | grad student | 2000 | SUNY Stony Brook |
Yeona Kang | grad student | 2006 | SUNY Stony Brook |
Samrat G. Chawda | grad student | 2009 | SUNY Stony Brook |
Jose A. Mawyin | grad student | 2009 | SUNY Stony Brook |
Komal Magsi | grad student | 2014 | SUNY Stony Brook |
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Kang Y, Fortmann CM. (2013) An alternative approach to protein folding. Biomed Research International. 2013: 583045 |
Magsi K, Lee P, Kang Y, et al. (2012) Enhanced chlorophyll A purification and dye sensitized solar cell performance Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 1390: 15-20 |
Magsi K, Lee P, Kang Y, et al. (2012) Energy relay dye dynamics with highly purified chlorophyll A as photo-sensitizer Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 1448: 1-6 |
Lee P, Shank J, Magsi K, et al. (2012) Optical layers and materials for next generation solar cells Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 1323: 59-63 |
Lee P, Dahal SN, Magsi K, et al. (2012) Raman-based strategies for improved solar cell optics Conference Record of the Ieee Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. 2559-2562 |
Magsi K, Lee R, Shank J, et al. (2011) Exploring the limits of phosphor-based spectral management for photovoltaic applications Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 1322: 113-118 |
Lee P, Shank J, Magsi K, et al. (2011) Crystal particle Raman-scattering and applications for improved solar cell performance Applied Physics Letters. 99 |
Kang Y, Fortmann CM. (2009) Physical Markov model for protein structure prediction Proceedings - 2009 Ieee International Conference On Bioinformatics and Biomedicine Workshops, Bibmw 2009. 356 |
Chawda SG, Mawyin JA, Halada GP, et al. (2008) Phononic engineered materials and devices Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 354: 2548-2551 |
Mawyin JA, Chawda SG, Halada GP, et al. (2008) Substrate engineering for high efficiency thin film solar cells Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 354: 2492-2494 |