Jake D. Ballard, Ph.D.

2005 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, United States 
Materials Science Engineering, Biomedical Engineering
"Jake Ballard"


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Richard W. Siegel grad student 2005 RPI
 (Investigation of cell adhesion to silica nanoparticle-decorated surfaces and the associated protein-mediated mechanisms.)
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Dell'Acqua-Bellavitis LM, Ballard JD, Vajtai R, et al. (2007) The generation of domain boundaries in catalytically-grown carbon nanotubes. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 7: 2335-42
Dell'Acqua-Bellavitis LM, Ballard JD, Vajtai R, et al. (2007) The role of dislocations at the catalyst-wall interface in carbon nanotube growth Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 111: 2623-2630
Dell'Acqua-Bellavitis LM, Ballard JD, Bizios R, et al. (2005) Synthesis of nanoscale devices for neural electrophysiological imaging Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 872: 395-400
Ballard JD, Dell'Acqua-Bellavitis LM, Bizios R, et al. (2005) Nanoparticle-decorated surfaces for the study of cell-protein-substrate interactions Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 845: 339-344
Dell'Acqua-Bellavitis LM, Ballard JD, Vajtai R, et al. (2005) The role played by strain fields, dislocation arrays, and domain boundaries in the catalytic synthesis of carbon nanotubes Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 900: 1-6
Dell'Acqua-Bellavitis LM, Ballard JD, Ajayan PM, et al. (2004) Kinetics for the synthesis reaction of aligned carbon nanotubes: A study based on in situ diffractography Nano Letters. 4: 1613-1620
Dell'Acqua-Bellavitis LM, Ballard JD, Ajayan PM, et al. (2004) Synthesis of nanoscale materials for neural prostheses and electrophysiological imaging Transactions - 7th World Biomaterials Congress. 283
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