Eral Bele, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2012 | Materials Science and Engineering | University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada |
Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science EngineeringGoogle:
"Eral Bele"Parents
Sign in to add mentorGlenn D. Hibbard | grad student | 2012 | University of Toronto | |
(Finite Element Analyses of Failure Mechanisms and Structure-Property Relationships in Microtruss Materials.) |
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Huang W, Zhang J, Singh V, et al. (2023) Digital light 3D printing of a polymer composite featuring robustness, self-healing, recyclability and tailorable mechanical properties. Additive Manufacturing. 61: None |
Bele E, Goel A, Pickering E, et al. (2017) Deformation mechanisms of idealised cermets under multi-axial loading Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 102: 80-100 |
Pickering EG, Bele E, Deshpande VS. (2016) Multi-axial response of idealized cermets Acta Materialia. 116: 281-289 |
Bele E, Deshpande VS. (2015) The Compressive Response of Idealized Cermetlike Materials Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions Asme. 82 |
Bele E, Singh CV, Hibbard GD. (2015) Failure mechanisms in thin-walled nanocrystalline cylinders under uniaxial compression Acta Materialia. 86: 157-168 |
Bele E, Hibbard GD. (2013) Reinforcement of microtruss cellular materials by nanocrystalline electrodeposition Scripta Materialia. 68: 31-34 |
Bele E, Azhar M, Hibbard GD. (2011) Mechanical performance of tubular microtruss materials reinforced with nanocrystalline sleeves Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 1304: 7-12 |
Bele E, Bouwhuis BA, Codd C, et al. (2011) Structural ceramic coatings in composite microtruss cellular materials Acta Materialia. 59: 6145-6154 |
Bouwhuis BA, Bele E, Hibbard GD. (2009) Metal/metal nanocrystalline cellular composites Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 1188: 63-73 |
Bele E, Bouwhuis BA, Hibbard GD. (2009) Microstructural design in work hardenable perforation stretch formed micro-truss cores Composites Part a: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 40: 1158-1166 |