Farhad Behafarid, Ph.D.

2012 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, United States 
Mechanical Engineering
"Farhad Behafarid"


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Michael Z. Podowski grad student 2012 RPI
 (Multi-scale multi-physics simulation of gas injection into the liquid using DNS/LSM.)
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Behafarid F, Podowski MZ. (2016) Modeling and computer simulation of centrifugal co2 compressors at supercritical pressures Journal of Fluids Engineering, Transactions of the Asme. 138
Smith CW, Behafarid F, Tran S, et al. (2015) Enabling HPC simulation workflows for complex industrial flow problems Acm International Conference Proceeding Series. 2015
Behafarid F, Jansen KE, Podowski MZ. (2015) A study on large bubble motion and liquid film in vertical pipes and inclined narrow channels International Journal of Multiphase Flow. 75: 288-299
Behafarid F, Podowski MZ. (2014) A study on numerical modeling of supercritical CO2 flow in centrifugal compressors Embedded Topical Meeting On Advances in Thermal Hydraulics, Ath 2014, Held At the American Nuclear Society 2014 Annual Meeting. 532-544
Behafarid F, Shaver D, Bolotnov IA, et al. (2013) Coupled dns/rans simulation of fission gas discharge during loss-of-flow accident in generation IV sodium fast reactor Nuclear Technology. 181: 44-55
Behafarid F, Podowski MZ. (2013) Multidimensional modeling and simulation of supercritical CO2 compressor Transactions of the American Nuclear Society. 109: 1628-1632
Behafarid F, Shaver DR, Bolotnov IA, et al. (2012) Multi-scale approach to the modeling of fission gas discharge during hypothetical loss-of-flow accident in gen-IV sodium fast reactor International Congress On Advances in Nuclear Power Plants 2012, Icapp 2012. 3: 2051-2061
Bolotnov IA, Behafarid F, Shaver D, et al. (2010) Interaction of computational tools for multiscale multiphysics simulation of generation-IV reactors International Congress On Advances in Nuclear Power Plants 2010, Icapp 2010. 3: 1738-1748
Behafarid F, Bahadori MN. (2007) Performance evaluation of a gas turbine operating noncontinuously with its inlet air cooled through an aquifer thermal energy storage Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Transactions of the Asme. 129: 117-124
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