Christine Lumadue
Affiliations: | St. Mary's University (Texas) |
Guidance and Counseling Education, Ethnic and Racial Studies, Gerontology, Women's Studies, Mental Health, Public Health, Public and Social WelfareGoogle:
"Christine Lumadue"Cross-listing: PHTree
Sign in to add traineeSelma de Leon-Yznaga | grad student | 2000 | St. Mary's University (Texas) |
Constance A. Grant | grad student | 2000 | St. Mary's University (Texas) |
Stephanie W. Bowling | grad student | 2001 | St. Mary's University (Texas) |
Audrey D. Laird-Bloom | grad student | 2001 | St. Mary's University (Texas) |
Antonio Ramirez de Leon | grad student | 2002 | St. Mary's University (Texas) |
Noelle R. St. Germain | grad student | 2003 | St. Mary's University (Texas) |
Patricia K. Hostetler | grad student | 2004 | St. Mary's University (Texas) |
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Valadez AA, Lumadue C, Gutierrez B, et al. (2005) Family caregivers of impoverished Mexican American elderly women: The perceived impact of adult day care centers Families in Society. 86: 384-392 |