Gary H. Koopmann

Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States 
Acoustics Physics, Mechanical Engineering
"Gary Hugo Koopmann" OR "Gary H Koopmann"
DOI: 10.1017/S0022112067002253 The author is greatly indebted to his colleague, Charles W. Votaw, for much valuable help and encouragement throughout the course of this work. The author also wishes to thank Dr B. H. Atabeck of Catholic University for his helpful advice, and L. R. Dragonette for his helpful work in preparing the computer program

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H. Bülent Atabek grad student 1969 Catholic University (E-Tree)
 (Wind Induced Vibrations and Their Associated Sound Fields)


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Koorosh Naghshineh grad student 1991 Penn State (E-Tree)
Michael D. Grissom grad student 2003 Penn State
Jacob J. Loverich grad student 2004 Penn State
Dongjai Lee grad student 2005 Penn State
Brian C. Zellers grad student 2006 Penn State
Lee J. Gorny grad student 2009 Penn State
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Kamrath M, Koopmann G. (2013) A plane wave method for modeling acoustic variables in cavities Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 134: 4066-4066
Kankey AT, Koopmann GH, Becker KM, et al. (2011) A method of calibrating a harbor for focusing low frequency sound Noise Control Engineering Journal. 59: 258-267
Cheng WN, Cheng CC, Koopmann GH. (2011) A new design strategy for minimizing sound radiation of vibrating beam using dimples Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the Asme. 133
Gorny LJ, Koopmann GH. (2010) A true to life application for flow driven resonators: Industrial chiller cooling fan noise reduction. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 127: 1767-1767
Gorny LJ, Koopmann GH. (2010) A realistic application for flow driven resonator noise attenuation; Cooling fan noise from an industrial chiller 24th National Conference On Noise Control Engineering 2010, Noise-Con 10, Held Jointly With the 159th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America. 1: 501-512
Gorny L, Koopmann GH. (2009) Axial fan blade tone cancellation using optimally tuned quarter wavelength resonators Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the Asme. 131: 0210021-02100213
Gorny LJ, Koopmann GH, Capone DE. (2009) A method to predict the canceling response of flow-excited resonators for the reduction of axial turbomachine noise 38th International Congress and Exposition On Noise Control Engineering 2009, Inter-Noise 2009. 4: 2764-2775
Loverich JJ, Koopmann GH, Lesieutre GA. (2008) A new piezoelectric actuator using a feed-screw for quasi-static motion accumulation - Part II: Mathematical modeling and design optimization Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 19: 83-91
Loverich JJ, Koopmann GH, Lesieutre GA, et al. (2008) A new piezoelectric actuator using a feed-screw for quasi-static motion accumulation - Part I: Experimental development Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures. 19: 73-81
Kankey AT, Koopmann GH, Becker KM, et al. (2008) Focusing sound in coastal environments. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 124: 2560-2560
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