Yoh-Han Pao

Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Heights, OH, United States 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence
"Yoh-Han Pao"
Cross-listing: Computer Science Tree


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Joseph Marin grad student 1952 Penn State
 (An analytical theory of the creep deformation of materials)


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Baofu Duan grad student 2005 Case Western (Computer Science Tree)
Haifeng Shao grad student 2005 Case Western (Computer Science Tree)
Harold W. Kroto post-doc 1966-1966 Bell Labs (Chemistry Tree)
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Pao YH, Nie GH, Keh DC. (2013) Dynamic response and wave propagation in three-dimensional framed structures Journal of Mechanics. 29: 7-26
Hemminger TL, Pao YH. (2012) Detection and classification of underwater acoustic transients using neural networks. Ieee Transactions On Neural Networks. 5: 712-8
Yip PC, Pao YH. (2012) Combinatorial optimization with use of guided evolutionary simulated annealing. Ieee Transactions On Neural Networks. 6: 290-5
Li JY, Chow WS, Igelnik B, et al. (2012) Comments on "Stochastic choice of basis functions in adaptive function approximation and the functional-link net" [and reply]. Ieee Transactions On Neural Networks. 8: 452-4
Jiang JQ, Chen WQ, Pao YH. (2012) Reverberation-ray analysis of continuous Timoshenko beams subject to moving loads Jvc/Journal of Vibration and Control. 18: 774-784
Chen WQ, Pao YH, Guo YQ, et al. (2011) On generalization of the phase relations in the method of reverberation-ray matrix From Waves in Complex Systems to Dynamics of Generalized Continua: Tributes to Professor Yih-Hsing Pao On His 80th Birthday. 49-74
Pao YL, Liu TJC, Wong JM, et al. (2011) Generation of historical mandible landmarks for orthodontic treatment using genetic algorithm and finite element method Proceedings - 2011 Ieee International Conference On Granular Computing, Grc 2011. 551-555
Pao YH, Yu YY. (2011) Attenuation and Damping of Multireflected Transient Elastic Waves in a Pile Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 137: 571-579
Pao YH, Wang LS, Chen KC. (2011) Principle of Virtual Power for thermomechanics of fluids and solids with dissipation International Journal of Engineering Science. 49: 1502-1516
Chen H, Pao Y. (2011) The joint economic-statistical design of X and R charts for nonnormal data Quality and Reliability Engineering International. 27: 269-280
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