Zheng Wan, Ph.D.

2011 Transportation Technology and Policy University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 
"Zheng Wan"


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Daniel Sperling grad student 2011 UC Davis
 (An Analysis of the Policies and Technical Efficiency of Public Transit Systems in China's Cities.)
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Wan Z, Zhou X, Zhang Q, et al. (2019) Do ship emission control areas in China reduce sulfur dioxide concentrations in local air? A study on causal effect using the difference-in-difference model. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 149: 110506
Chen J, Fei Y, Wan Z. (2019) The relationship between the development of global maritime fleets and GHG emission from shipping. Journal of Environmental Management. 242: 31-39
Chen J, Zhang S, Xu L, et al. (2019) Identification of key factors of ship detention under Port State Control Marine Policy. 102: 21-27
Wan Z, El Makhloufi A, Chen Y, et al. (2018) Decarbonizing the international shipping industry: Solutions and policy recommendations. Marine Pollution Bulletin. 126: 428-435
Wan Z, Ge J, Chen J. (2018) Energy-Saving Potential and an Economic Feasibility Analysis for an Arctic Route between Shanghai and Rotterdam: Case Study from China’s Largest Container Sea Freight Operator Sustainability. 10: 1-13
Chen J, Wan Z, Zhang H, et al. (2018) Governance of Shipping Emission of SOx in China's Coastal Waters: The SECA Policy, Challenges, and Directions Coastal Management. 46: 191-209
Chen J, Wan Z, Zhang F, et al. (2018) Evaluation and comparison of the development performances of typical free trade port zones in China Transportation Research Part a: Policy and Practice. 118: 506-526
Wan Z, Chen J, Sperling D. (2018) Institutional barriers to the development of a comprehensive ballast-water management scheme in China: Perspective from a multi-stream policy model Marine Policy. 91: 142-149
Wan Z, Chen J, Makhloufi AE, et al. (2016) Four routes to better maritime governance. Nature. 540: 27-29
Wan Z, Zhu M, Chen S, et al. (2016) Pollution: Three steps to a green shipping industry. Nature. 530: 275-7
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