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Richard Kenneth White grad student 1980 Ohio State
 (Optimization of water usage, wastewater management, and associated energy usage in a meat packing plant)
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Demitry ME, Hansen C, Stevens D, et al. (2016) Extending the Applications of the ADM1 to Predict Performance of the Induced Bed Reactor (IBR) Co-Digesting Municipal Sludge with Bakery Waste Environment and Pollution. 5: 41
Demitry ME, Zhong J, Hansen C, et al. (2015) Modifying the ADM1 Model to Predict the Operation of an Anaerobic Digester Co-digesting Municipal Sludge with Bakery Waste Environment and Pollution. 4
Zhong J, Stevens DK, Hansen CL. (2015) Optimization of anaerobic hydrogen and methane production from dairy processing waste using a two-stage digestion in induced bed reactors (IBR) International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 40: 15470-15476
Wang X, Hansen C, Allen K. (2013) Identification of Anthocyanins Isolated from Black Bean Canning Wastewater by Macroporous Resin Using Optimized Conditions Food and Nutrition Sciences. 4: 174-181
Dustin JS, Hansen CL. (2012) Completely stirred tank reactor behavior in an unmixed anaerobic digester: the induced bed reactor. Water Environment Research : a Research Publication of the Water Environment Federation. 84: 711-8
Jefferies LK, Hansen CL, Steele FM. (2012) Translocation and cross-contamination of E. coli O157 in beef eye-of-round subprimal cuts processed with high-pressure needleless injection. Journal of Food Science. 77: E154-8
Hansen CL, Zwolinski G, Martin D, et al. (2012) Bacterial removal of mercury from sewage. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 26: 1330-3
Dustin JS, Hansen CL. (2011) Performance of the induced bed reactor anaerobic digester at mesophilic and thermophilic temperatures. Transactions of the Asabe. 54: 729-740
Cline T, Thomas N, Shumway L, et al. (2010) Method for evaluating anaerobic digester performance. Bioresource Technology. 101: 8623-6
Wahal S, Viamajala S, Hansen CL. (2010) Chemical speciation in the effluent of an anaerobic digester treating dairy waste: Implications for nutrient recovery and reuse Transactions of the Asabe. 53: 1727-1732
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