Chitrabala Subramanian, Ph.D.

2012 University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, United States 
Polymer Chemistry, Materials Science Engineering, Chemical Engineering
"Chitrabala Subramanian"


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Montgomery T. Shaw grad student 2012 University of Connecticut
 (Nanofiber-based composite structures for ion-exchange applications.)
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Subramanian C, Weiss RA, Shaw MT. (2013) Fabrication and Characterization of Conductive Nanofiber-Based Composite Membranes Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 52: 15088-15093
Subramanian C, Giotto M, Weiss RA, et al. (2012) Chemical Cross-Linking of Highly Sulfonated Polystyrene Electrospun Fibers Macromolecules. 45: 3104-3111
Subramanian C, Weiss R, Shaw MT. (2010) Electrospinning and characterization of highly sulfonated polystyrene fibers Polymer. 51: 1983-1989
Subramanian C, Ugbolue SC, Warner SB, et al. (2008) The melt electrospinning of polycaprolactone (PCL) ultrafine fibers Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. 1134: 229-234
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