Arun Vijayakumar, Ph.D.

2007 University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, United States 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Materials Science Engineering
"Arun Vijayakumar"


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Kalpathy B. Sundaram grad student 2007 University of Central Florida
 (Investigation of reactively sputtered silicon carbon boron nitride thin films for high temperature applications.)
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Vijayakumar A, Warren AP, Todi RM, et al. (2009) Photoluminescence from RF sputtered SiCBN thin films Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 20: 144-148
Griffin AR, Vijayakumar A, Chen RH, et al. (2008) Development of a transparent heater to measure surface temperature fluctuations under spray cooling conditions Journal of Heat Transfer. 130: 1-4
Vijayakumar A, Todi RM, Warren AP, et al. (2008) Influence of N2/Ar gas mixture ratio and annealing on optical properties of SiCBN thin films prepared by rf sputtering Diamond and Related Materials. 17: 944-948
Vijayakumar A, Todi RM, Todi VO, et al. (2007) In Situ High Temperature Electrical Characterization of RF Sputtered SiCBN Thin Films Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 154
Vijayakumar A, Todi RM, Sundaram KB. (2007) Oxygen Annealing Characterization of Reactively Sputtered SiCBN Thin Films by X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 154
Vijayakumar A, Todi RM, Sundaram KB. (2007) Effect of N2 ∕ Ar Gas Mixture Composition on the Chemistry of SiCBN Thin Films Prepared by RF Reactive Sputtering Journal of the Electrochemical Society. 154
Vijayakumar A, Sundaram KB, Todi RM. (2007) Amorphous-SiCBN-Based Metal–Semiconductor–Metal Photodetector for High-Temperature Applications Ieee Electron Device Letters. 28: 713-715
Sundaram KB, Vijayakumar A, Subramanian G. (2005) Smooth etching of silicon using TMAH and isopropyl alcohol for MEMS applications Microelectronic Engineering. 77: 230-241
Vijayakumar A, Du T, Sundaram KB. (2005) Characterization of copper indium ditelluride/electrolyte interface utilizing electrochemical impedance spectroscopy Applied Surface Science. 242: 168-176
Vijayakumar A, Du T, Sundaram KB, et al. (2004) The Application of Chemical Mechanical Polishing for Nickel Used in MEMS Devices Mrs Proceedings. 816
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