Donn E. Hancher

1972-1988 Civil engineering Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States 
 1988- University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 
Civil Engineering
"Donn Edward Hancher" OR "Donn E Hancher"


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John A. Havers grad student 1972 Purdue
 (A Mathematical Model of Aggregate Plant Production)


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D. Thomas Iseley grad student 1988 Purdue
Wayne A. Karem grad student 2005 University of Kentucky (Physics Tree)
Mohammed F. Yasin grad student 2005 University of Kentucky
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Goodrum P, Yasin M, Hancher D. (2004) Kentucky Transportation Cabinet's Statewide System for Lessons Learned Transportation Research Record. 1900: 132-139
Mahboub KC, Hancher DE, Wang Y. (2004) Contractor-performed quality control: Is the fox guarding the henhouse? Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice. 130: 255-258
Hancher D, Goodrum P, Pigman J, et al. (2003) Context-Sensitive Construction in Kentucky: Transportation Research Record. 1861: 125-131
Hancher DE, Lambert SE. (2002) Quality-Based Prequalification Of Contractors Transportation Research Record. 1813: 260-274
Werkmeister RF, Hancher DE. (2001) Paris-Lexington Road Project: Project report Transportation Research Record. 1761: 130-136
Hancher DE, Taylor TRB. (2001) Nighttime Construction Issues Transportation Research Record. 1761: 107-115
Werkmeister RF, Luscher BL, Hancher DE. (2000) Kentucky Contract Time Determination System Transportation Research Record. 1712: 185-195
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