Omar M. Al-Araidah, Ph.D.

2005 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, United States 
Industrial Engineering
"Omar Al-Araidah"


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Charles J. Malmborg grad student 2005 RPI
 (Simultaneous facility layout and materials handling system design.)
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Al-Hawari T, Ali M, Al-Araidah O, et al. (2015) Development of a genetic algorithm for multi-objective assembly line balancing using multiple assignment approach The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 77: 1419-1432
Al-Araidah O, Shgair KA, Batayneh W, et al. (2012) Efficient approximation of melting temperature in simulated annealing algorithms applied to Chebyshev travelling salesman problem International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling. 4: 145-163
Khrais S, Al-Hawari T, Al-Araidah O. (2011) A fuzzy logic application for selecting layered manufacturing techniques Expert Systems With Applications. 38: 10286-10291
Al-Hawari T, Aqlan F, Al-Araidah O. (2010) Performance Analysis Of An Automated Production System With Queue Length Dependent Service Rates International Journal of Simulation Modelling. 9: 184-194
Dalalah D, Al-Araidah O. (2010) Dynamic decentralised balancing of CONWIP production systems International Journal of Production Research. 48: 3925-3941
Al-Araidah O, Krishnamurthy A, Malmborg CJ. (2007) A comparative study of single-phase and two-phase approaches for the layout problem with material handling costs International Journal of Production Research. 45: 951-970
Al-Araidah O, Krishnamurthy A, Malmborg CJ. (2006) A two-stage simulated annealing procedure for block layout problems International Journal of Production Research. 44: 4417-4429
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