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Ricardo Dobry grad student 1989 RPI
 (Numerical simulation of granular soil under monotonic and cyclic loading: A particulate mechanics approach)
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Zhou W, Wu W, Ma G, et al. (2018) Undrained behavior of binary granular mixtures with different fines contents Powder Technology. 340: 139-153
Zhou W, Huang Y, Ng T, et al. (2018) A geometric potential-based contact detection algorithm for egg-shaped particles in discrete element modeling Powder Technology. 327: 152-162
Ng T, Zhou W, Chang X. (2017) Effect of Particle Shape and Fine Content on the Behavior of Binary Mixture Journal of Engineering Mechanics-Asce. 143
Ng T, Zhou W, Ma G, et al. (2017) Macroscopic and Microscopic Behaviors of Binary Mixtures of Different Particle Shapes and Particle Sizes International Journal of Solids and Structures. 135: 74-84
Ma G, Zhou W, Chang XL, et al. (2016) Formation of shear bands in crushable and irregularly shaped granular materials and the associated microstructural evolution Powder Technology. 301: 118-130
Zhou W, Ma X, Ng TT, et al. (2016) Numerical and experimental verification of a damping model used in DEM Granular Matter. 18: 1-12
Ng T, Zhou W, Ma G, et al. (2015) Damping and Particle Mass in DEM simulations under Gravity Journal of Engineering Mechanics-Asce. 141: 4014167
Ma G, Zhou W, Ng TT, et al. (2015) Microscopic modeling of the creep behavior of rockfills with a delayed particle breakage model Acta Geotechnica. 10: 481-496
Ng T, Zhou W. (2014) DEM simulations of bi-disperse ellipsoids of different particle sizes Comptes Rendus Mecanique. 342: 141-150
Ng T. (2013) Numerical Study of a Granular Material in Various Gravity Environments Journal of Engineering Mechanics-Asce. 139: 489-495
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