Claude Thibeault

Departement de genie electrique Ecole de Technologie Superieure (Canada) 
Electronics and Electrical Engineering
"Claude Thibeault"
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Hasib OA, Savaria Y, Thibeault C. (2020) Optimization of Small-Delay Defects Test Quality by Clock Speed Selection and Proper Masking Based on the Weighted Slack Percentage Ieee Transactions On Very Large Scale Integration Systems. 28: 764-776
Darvishi M, Audet Y, Blaquiere Y, et al. (2019) On the Susceptibility of SRAM-Based FPGA Routing Network to Delay Changes Induced by Ionizing Radiation Ieee Transactions On Nuclear Science. 66: 643-654
Hasib OA, Savaria Y, Thibeault C. (2019) Multi-PVT-point analysis and comparison of recent small-delay defect quality metrics Journal of Electronic Testing. 35: 823-838
Thibeault C, Gagnon G. (2018) On the Analysis and the Mitigation of Power Supply Noise and Power Distribution Network Impedance Variation for Scan-Based Delay Testing Techniques Ieee Transactions On Very Large Scale Integration Systems. 26: 1377-1390
Giard P, Sarkis G, Leroux C, et al. (2018) Low-Latency Software Polar Decoders Journal of Signal Processing Systems. 90: 761-775
Sarkis G, Tal I, Giard P, et al. (2016) Flexible and Low-Complexity Encoding and Decoding of Systematic Polar Codes Ieee Transactions On Communications. 64: 2732-2745
Ghodbane A, Saad M, Hobeika C, et al. (2016) Design of a tolerant flight control system in response to multiple actuator control signal faults induced by cosmic rays Ieee Transactions On Aerospace and Electronic Systems. 52: 681-697
Sarkis G, Giard P, Vardy A, et al. (2016) Fast List Decoders for Polar Codes Ieee Journal On Selected Areas in Communications. 34: 318-328
Souari A, Thibeault C, Blaquière Y, et al. (2016) Towards an efficient SEU effects emulation on SRAM-based FPGAs Microelectronics Reliability. 66: 173-182
Hobeika C, Thibeault C, Boland J. (2015) Functional Constraint Extraction From Register Transfer Level for ATPG Ieee Transactions On Very Large Scale Integration Systems. 23: 407-412
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