Charles Thibodeau, D.Eng.

2014 Département de génie de la construction Ecole de Technologie Superieure (Canada) 
Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, Hydrology
"Charles Thibodeau"
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Frederic Monette grad student 2014 Ecole de Technologie Superieure (Canada)
 (Evaluation et developpement de systemes d'assainissement separatif des eaux noires a l'aide de l'analyse environnementale du cycle de vie et l'analyse du cout sur le cycle de vie.)
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Thibodeau C, Monette F, Glaus M. (2014) Comparison of development scenarios of a black water source-separation sanitation system using life cycle assessment and environmental life cycle costing Resources Conservation and Recycling. 92: 38-54
Thibodeau C, Monette F, Bulle C, et al. (2014) Comparison of black water source-separation and conventional sanitation systems using life cycle assessment Journal of Cleaner Production. 67: 45-57
Thibodeau C, Monette F, Glaus M, et al. (2011) Economic viability and critical influencing factors assessment of black water and grey water source-separation sanitation system. Water Science and Technology : a Journal of the International Association On Water Pollution Research. 64: 2417-24
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