Dawit A. Zeweldi, Ph.D.

2010 University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT, United States 
Civil Engineering, General Engineering
"Dawit Zeweldi"

Zeweldi, Dawit Assefa, On Evaluation of Satellite Precipitation and Energy Flux Estimates (2010). Doctoral Dissertations. AAI3464361.


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Mekonnen Gebremichael grad student 2010 University of Connecticut (MathTree)
 (On Evaluation of Satellite Precipitation and Energy Flux Estimates.)
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Zeweldi DA, Gebremichael M, Downer CW. (2011) On CMORPH rainfall for streamflow simulation in a small, Hortonian watershed Journal of Hydrometeorology. 12: 456-466
Zeweldi DA, Gebremichael M, Wang J, et al. (2010) Intercomparison of sensible heat flux from large aperture scintillometer and eddy covariance methods: Field experiment over a homogeneous semi-arid region Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 135: 151-159
Zeweldi DA, Gebremichael M. (2009) Evaluation of CMORPH Precipitation Products at Fine Space–Time Scales Journal of Hydrometeorology. 10: 300-307
Zeweldi DA, Gebremichael M. (2009) Sub-daily scale validation of satellite-based high-resolution rainfall products Atmospheric Research. 92: 427-433
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