Melina Schuh

2004-2008 EMBL Heidelberg 
"Melina Schuh"
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Nikalayevich E, Letort G, de Labbey G, et al. (2024) Aberrant cortex contractions impact mammalian oocyte quality. Developmental Cell
Jentoft IMA, Bäuerlein FJB, Welp LM, et al. (2023) Mammalian oocytes store proteins for the early embryo on cytoplasmic lattices. Cell
Harasimov K, Uraji J, Mönnich EU, et al. (2023) Publisher Correction: Actin-driven chromosome clustering facilitates fast and complete chromosome capture in mammalian oocytes. Nature Cell Biology
Harasimov K, Uraji J, Mönnich EU, et al. (2023) Actin-driven chromosome clustering facilitates fast and complete chromosome capture in mammalian oocytes. Nature Cell Biology. 25: 439-452
Charalambous C, Webster A, Schuh M. (2022) Aneuploidy in mammalian oocytes and the impact of maternal ageing. Nature Reviews. Molecular Cell Biology
So C, Menelaou K, Uraji J, et al. (2022) Mechanism of spindle pole organization and instability in human oocytes. Science (New York, N.Y.). 375: eabj3944
Wartosch L, Schindler K, Schuh M, et al. (2021) Origins and mechanisms leading to aneuploidy in human eggs. Prenatal Diagnosis. 41: 620-630
Scheffler K, Uraji J, Jentoft I, et al. (2021) Two mechanisms drive pronuclear migration in mouse zygotes. Nature Communications. 12: 841
Thomas C, Cavazza T, Schuh M. (2021) Aneuploidy in human eggs: contributions of the meiotic spindle. Biochemical Society Transactions
ElInati E, Zielinska AP, McCarthy A, et al. (2020) The BCL-2 pathway preserves mammalian genome integrity by eliminating recombination-defective oocytes. Nature Communications. 11: 2598
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