Saeed Saremi

University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
machine learning
"Saeed Saremi"
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Saremi S, Sejnowski T. (2015) Correlated percolation, fractal structures, and scale-invariant distribution of clusters in natural images. Ieee Transactions On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
Saremi S, Sejnowski TJ. (2014) On criticality in high-dimensional data. Neural Computation. 26: 1329-39
Saremi S, Sejnowski TJ. (2013) Hierarchical model of natural images and the origin of scale invariance. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110: 3071-6
Saremi S, Sejnowski TJ, Sharpee TO. (2013) Double-gabor filters are independent components of small translation-invariant image patches. Neural Computation. 25: 922-39
Saremi S, Lee PA, Senthil T. (2011) Unifying Kondo coherence and antiferromagnetic ordering in the honeycomb lattice Physical Review B. 83
Saremi S. (2007) RKKY in half-filled bipartite lattices: Graphene as an example Physical Review B. 76
Saremi S, Lee PA. (2007) Quantum critical point in the Kondo-Heisenberg model on the honeycomb lattice Physical Review B. 75
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