Christopher Lindsey
Affiliations: | 2014 | Northwestern University, Evanston, IL |
"Christopher Lindsey"Parents
Sign in to add mentorHani S. Mahmassani | grad student | 2014 | Northwestern | |
(Third Party Logistics in the Transportation Spot Market: Using Analytics to Improve Operations.) |
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Lindsey C, Frei A, Mahmassani H, et al. (2014) Predictive analytics to improve pricing and sourcing in third-party logistics operations Transportation Research Record. 2410: 123-131 |
Lindsey C, Mahmassani HS, Mullarkey M, et al. (2014) Regional logistics hubs, freight activity and industrial space demand: Econometric analysis Research in Transportation Business and Management. 11: 98-104 |
Lindsey C, Mahmassani HS, Mullarkey M, et al. (2014) Industrial space demand and freight transportation activity: Exploring the connection Journal of Transport Geography. 37: 93-101 |