Jubin Nathawat

State University of New York, Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, United States 
Condensed Matter Physics, Hot Carrier Transportation
"Jubin Nathawat"
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Nathawat J, Mansaray I, Sakanashi K, et al. (2023) Signatures of hot carriers and hot phonons in the re-entrant metallic and semiconducting states of Moiré-gapped graphene. Nature Communications. 14: 1507
Somphonsane R, Ramamoorthy H, He G, et al. (2020) Universal scaling of weak localization in graphene due to bias-induced dispersion decoherence. Scientific Reports. 10: 5611
Nathawat J, Zhao M, Kwan CP, et al. (2019) Transient Response of h-BN-Encapsulated Graphene Transistors: Signatures of Self-Heating and Hot-Carrier Trapping. Acs Omega. 4: 4082-4090
Kwan C, Street M, Mahmood A, et al. (2019) Space-charge limited conduction in epitaxial chromia films grown on elemental and oxide-based metallic substrates Aip Advances. 9: 055018
Randle M, Lipatov A, Kumar A, et al. (2018) Gate-Controlled Metal-Insulator Transition in TiS Nanowire Field-Effect Transistors. Acs Nano
He G, Nathawat J, Kwan CP, et al. (2017) Negative Differential Conductance & Hot-Carrier Avalanching in Monolayer WS2 FETs. Scientific Reports. 7: 11256
Somphonsane R, Ramamoorthy H, He G, et al. (2017) Evaluating the Sources of Graphene's Resistivity Using Differential Conductance. Scientific Reports. 7: 10317
Ramamoorthy H, Somphonsane R, Radice J, et al. (2017) Probing charge trapping and joule heating in graphene field-effect transistors by transient pulsing Semiconductor Science and Technology. 32: 084005
He G, Ramamoorthy H, Kwan CP, et al. (2016) Thermally Assisted Nonvolatile Memory in Monolayer MoS2 Transistors. Nano Letters
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