Serhan O. Isikman, Ph.D. - Publications

2012 Electrical Engineering 0303 University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 
Bioimaging, nano-photonics, nonlinear optics

38 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2013 Isikman SO, Greenbaum A, Lee M, Bishara W, Mudanyali O, Su TW, Ozcan A. Lensfree computational microscopy tools for cell and tissue imaging at the point-of-care and in low-resource settings. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 185: 299-323. PMID 23542940  0.833
2013 Zhu H, Isikman SO, Mudanyali O, Greenbaum A, Ozcan A. Optical imaging techniques for point-of-care diagnostics. Lab On a Chip. 13: 51-67. PMID 23044793 DOI: 10.1039/C2Lc40864C  0.769
2012 Weidling J, Isikman SO, Greenbaum A, Ozcan A, Botvinick E. Lens-free computational imaging of capillary morphogenesis within three-dimensional substrates. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 17: 126018. PMID 23235893 DOI: 10.1117/1.Jbo.17.12.126018  0.685
2012 Isikman SO, Greenbaum A, Luo W, Coskun AF, Ozcan A. Giga-pixel lensfree holographic microscopy and tomography using color image sensors. Plos One. 7: e45044. PMID 22984606 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pone.0045044  0.77
2012 Greenbaum A, Luo W, Su TW, Göröcs Z, Xue L, Isikman SO, Coskun AF, Mudanyali O, Ozcan A. Imaging without lenses: achievements and remaining challenges of wide-field on-chip microscopy. Nature Methods. 9: 889-95. PMID 22936170 DOI: 10.1038/Nmeth.2114  0.811
2012 Isikman SO, Bishara W, Ozcan A. Lensfree on-chip tomographic microscopy employing multi-angle illumination and pixel super-resolution. Journal of Visualized Experiments : Jove. e4161. PMID 22929176 DOI: 10.3791/4161  0.696
2012 Isikman SO, Greenbaum A, Lee M, Bishara W, Mudanyali O, Su TW, Ozcan A. Lensfree computational microscopy tools for cell and tissue imaging at the point-of-care and in low-resource settings. Analytical Cellular Pathology (Amsterdam). 35: 229-47. PMID 22433451 DOI: 10.3233/Acp-2012-0057  0.836
2012 Bishara W, Isikman SO, Ozcan A. Lensfree optofluidic microscopy and tomography. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 40: 251-62. PMID 21887590 DOI: 10.1007/S10439-011-0385-3  0.693
2011 Isikman SO, Bishara W, Mudanyali O, Sencan I, Su TW, Tseng D, Yaglidere O, Sikora U, Ozcan A. Lensfree On-Chip Microscopy and Tomography for Bio-Medical Applications. Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics : a Publication of the Ieee Lasers and Electro-Optics Society. 18: 1059-1072. PMID 24478572 DOI: 10.1109/Jstqe.2011.2161460  0.813
2011 Isikman SO, Bishara W, Zhu H, Ozcan A. Optofluidic on-chip tomography. Conference Proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference. 2011: 8463-6. PMID 22256312 DOI: 10.1109/IEMBS.2011.6092088  0.561
2011 Isikman SO, Bishara W, Ozcan A. Partially coherent lensfree tomographic microscopy [Invited]. Applied Optics. 50: H253-64. PMID 22193016 DOI: 10.1364/Ao.50.00H253  0.706
2011 Biener G, Greenbaum A, Isikman SO, Lee K, Tseng D, Ozcan A. Combined reflection and transmission microscope for telemedicine applications in field settings. Lab On a Chip. 11: 2738-43. PMID 21709875 DOI: 10.1039/C1Lc20169G  0.656
2011 Isikman SO, Bishara W, Zhu H, Ozcan A. Optofluidic Tomography on a Chip. Applied Physics Letters. 98: 161109. PMID 21580801 DOI: 10.1063/1.3548564  0.67
2011 Isikman SO, Bishara W, Sikora U, Yaglidere O, Yeah J, Ozcan A. Field-portable lensfree tomographic microscope. Lab On a Chip. 11: 2222-30. PMID 21573311 DOI: 10.1039/C1Lc20127A  0.72
2011 Isikman SO, Bishara W, Mavandadi S, Yu FW, Feng S, Lau R, Ozcan A. Lens-free optical tomographic microscope with a large imaging volume on a chip. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108: 7296-301. PMID 21504943 DOI: 10.1073/Pnas.1015638108  0.692
2011 Isikman S, Bishara W, Sikora U, Yaglidere O, Ozcan A. Multi-angle illumination with pixel super-resolution enables lensfree on-chip tomography Spie Newsroom. DOI: 10.1117/2.1201111.003979  0.594
2011 Mudanyali O, Tseng D, Isikman SO, Oztoprak C, Sencan I, Bishara W, Yaglidere O, Ozcan A. Compact and cost-effective lensless telemedicine microscopy for global health applications Proceedings - 2011 Ieee Global Humanitarian Technology Conference, Ghtc 2011. 62-65. DOI: 10.1109/GHTC.2011.18  0.756
2011 Isikman SO, Bishara W, Mavandadi S, Yu F, Feng S, Lau R, Ozcan A. Lensless tomographic microscopy on a chip Optics Infobase Conference Papers 0.303
2011 Biener G, Greenbaum A, Isikman SO, Lee K, Tseng D, Ozcan A. Field-portable reflection and transmission microscope for telemedicine applications 15th International Conference On Miniaturized Systems For Chemistry and Life Sciences 2011, Microtas 2011. 1: 485-487.  0.436
2010 Ozcan A, Isikman S, Mudanyali O, Tseng D, Sencan I. Lensfree on-chip holography facilitates novel microscopy applications. Spie Newsroom. PMID 21643449 DOI: 10.1117/2.1201005.002947  0.851
2010 Su TW, Isikman SO, Bishara W, Tseng D, Erlinger A, Ozcan A. Multi-angle lensless digital holography for depth resolved imaging on a chip. Optics Express. 18: 9690-711. PMID 20588819 DOI: 10.1364/Oe.18.009690  0.76
2010 Seo S, Isikman SO, Sencan I, Mudanyali O, Su TW, Bishara W, Erlinger A, Ozcan A. High-throughput lens-free blood analysis on a chip. Analytical Chemistry. 82: 4621-7. PMID 20450181 DOI: 10.1021/Ac1007915  0.78
2010 Tseng D, Mudanyali O, Oztoprak C, Isikman SO, Sencan I, Yaglidere O, Ozcan A. Lensfree microscopy on a cellphone. Lab On a Chip. 10: 1787-92. PMID 20445943 DOI: 10.1039/C003477K  0.826
2010 Mudanyali O, Tseng D, Oh C, Isikman SO, Sencan I, Bishara W, Oztoprak C, Seo S, Khademhosseini B, Ozcan A. Compact, light-weight and cost-effective microscope based on lensless incoherent holography for telemedicine applications. Lab On a Chip. 10: 1417-28. PMID 20401422 DOI: 10.1039/C000453G  0.826
2010 Isikman SO, Sencan I, Mudanyali O, Bishara W, Oztoprak C, Ozcan A. Color and monochrome lensless on-chip imaging of Caenorhabditis elegans over a wide field-of-view. Lab On a Chip. 10: 1109-12. PMID 20390127 DOI: 10.1039/C001200A  0.829
2010 Oh C, Isikman SO, Khademhosseinieh B, Ozcan A. On-chip differential interference contrast microscopy using lensless digital holography. Optics Express. 18: 4717-26. PMID 20389485 DOI: 10.1364/Oe.18.004717  0.606
2010 Su TW, Isikman SO, Bishara W, Tseng DK, Erlinger A, Ozcan A. Multi-angle lensfree holographic imaging for 3-D cytometry on a chip Asme 2010 5th Frontiers in Biomedical Devices Conference and Exhibition, Biomed 2010. 43-44. DOI: 10.1115/Biomed2010-32009  0.72
2010 Su TW, Isikman SO, Bishara W, Tseng D, Erlinger A, Ozcan A. Multi-angle lensless holography for depth resolved high-throughput imaging of cells on a chip 2010 Ieee Photonics Society Winter Topicals Meeting Series, Wtm 2010. 70-71. DOI: 10.1109/PHOTWTM.2010.5421957  0.723
2010 Isikman SO, Sencan I, Mudanyali O, Bishara W, Oztoprak C, Ozcan A. Wide field-of-view lensless imaging of Caenorhabditis Elegans on a chip Optics Infobase Conference Papers 0.81
2010 Isikman SO, Seo S, Sencan I, Mudanyali O, Su TW, Bishara W, Erlinger A, Ozcan A. High-throughput blood analysis on a chip using lensless digital holography 14th International Conference On Miniaturized Systems For Chemistry and Life Sciences 2010, Microtas 2010. 2: 1424-1426.  0.767
2010 Tseng D, Mudanyali O, Oztoprak C, Isikman SO, Sencan I, Yaglidere O, Ozcan A. Lensfree telemedicine microscopy on a wireless phone 14th International Conference On Miniaturized Systems For Chemistry and Life Sciences 2010, Microtas 2010. 1: 584-586.  0.833
2010 Isikman SO, Sencan I, Mudanyali O, Bishara W, Oztoprak C, Ozcan A. Wide field-of-view lensless imaging of Caenorhabditis Elegans on a chip Optics Infobase Conference Papers 0.81
2010 Oh C, Isikman S, Ozcan A. Lensfree polarization microscopy on a chip using incoherent digital holography Optics Infobase Conference Papers 0.338
2009 Isikman SO, Varghese S, Abdullah F, Augustine R, Sprague RB, Andron V, Urey H. Advanced imaging with dynamic focus and extended depth using integrated FR4 platform. Optics Express. 17: 17179-89. PMID 19770937 DOI: 10.1364/Oe.17.017179  0.422
2009 Isikman SO, Sprague RB, Urey H. FR4 laser scanner with dynamic focus Ieee Photonics Technology Letters. 21: 233-235. DOI: 10.1109/Lpt.2008.2010139  0.378
2009 Isikman S, Seo S, Sencan I, Erlinger A, Ozcan A. Lensfree cell holography on a chip: From holographic cell signatures to microscopic reconstruction Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-Leos. 404-405. DOI: 10.1109/LEOS.2009.5343233  0.726
2009 Isikman SO, Erden E, Varghese S, Abdullah F, Augustine R, Sprague RB, Andron V, Urey H. Self-oscillating FR4 laser scanner with integrated dynamic focus and extended imaging range Isot 2009 - International Symposium On Optomechatronic Technologies. 294-298. DOI: 10.1109/ISOT.2009.5326056  0.401
2008 Sayinta M, Isikman SO, Urey H. Scanning led array based volumetric display 2008 3dtv-Conference: the True Vision - Capture, Transmission and Display of 3d Video, 3dtv-Con 2008 Proceedings. 21-24. DOI: 10.1109/3DTV.2008.4547798  0.344
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