
Thomas L. Morin - Publications

Industrial Engineering Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States 
Operations Research, Finance

26 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2020 Vaziri B, Dabadghao SS, Yih Y, Morin TL, Lehto MR. Crowd-ranking: a Markov-based method for ranking alternatives Operational Research. 20: 279-295. DOI: 10.1007/S12351-017-0324-7  0.647
2018 Vaziri B, Dabadghao SS, Yih Y, Morin TL. Properties of sports ranking methods Journal of the Operational Research Society. 69: 776-787. DOI: 10.1057/S41274-017-0266-8  0.643
2016 Kang Z, Morin T. Multi-Attribute Decision Making in a Bidding Game with Imperfect Information and Uncertainty International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making. 15: 63-81. DOI: 10.1142/S0219622015500340  0.314
2012 Irfan M, Khurshid MB, Bai Q, Labi S, Morin TL. Establishing optimal project-level strategies for pavement maintenance and rehabilitation - A framework and case study Engineering Optimization. 44: 565-589. DOI: 10.1080/0305215X.2011.588226  0.312
2012 Morin TL, Dabadghao SS. Proof of the perpetuity equation Applied Mathematics Letters. 25: 2116-2117. DOI: 10.1016/J.Aml.2012.05.010  0.619
2011 Patidar V, Labi S, Morin T, Thompson PD, Sinha KC. Evaluating methods and algorithms for multicriteria bridge management at the network level Transportation Research Record. 38-47. DOI: 10.3141/2220-05  0.372
2011 Huang PH, Lawley M, Morin T. Tight bounds for periodicity theorems on the unbounded Knapsack problem European Journal of Operational Research. 215: 319-324. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ejor.2011.06.010  0.324
2001 Trafalis TB, Morin TL. A differential dynamic programming algorithm for differential games Optimal Control Applications and Methods. 22: 17-36. DOI: 10.1002/Oca.680  0.582
1995 Benjaafar S, Morin TL, Talavage JJ. The strategic value of flexibility in sequential decision making European Journal of Operational Research. 82: 438-457. DOI: 10.1016/0377-2217(93)E0210-O  0.302
1994 Kudva GK, Morin TL, Pekny JF. A branch-and-cut algorithm for vehicle routing problems Annals of Operations Research. 50: 37-59. DOI: 10.1007/Bf02085634  0.309
1993 Kaiser MJ, Morin TL. Center Points, Equilibrium Positions, And The Obnoxious Location Problem Journal of Regional Science. 33: 237-249. DOI: 10.1111/J.1467-9787.1993.Tb00223.X  0.302
1992 Carraway RL, Chambers RJ, Morin TL, Moskowitz H. Single machine sequencing with nonlinear multicriteria cost functions: An application of generalized dynamic programming Computers and Operations Research. 19: 69-77. DOI: 10.1016/0305-0548(92)90060-I  0.33
1991 Chambers RJ, Carraway RL, Lowe TJ, Morin TL. Dominance and Decomposition Heuristics for Single Machine Scheduling Operations Research. 39: 639-647. DOI: 10.1287/Opre.39.4.639  0.319
1991 Klein CM, Morin TL. Conjugate duality and the curse of dimensionality European Journal of Operational Research. 50: 220-228. DOI: 10.1016/0377-2217(91)90244-P  0.401
1990 Carraway RL, Morin TL, Moskowitz H. Generalized dynamic programming for multicriteria optimization European Journal of Operational Research. 44: 95-104. DOI: 10.1016/0377-2217(90)90318-6  0.34
1989 Carraway RL, Morin TL, Moskowitz H. Generalized Dynamic Programming for Stochastic Combinatorial Optimization Operations Research. 37: 819-829. DOI: 10.1287/Opre.37.5.819  0.358
1989 Singhal J, Marsten RE, Morin TL. Fixed Order Branch-and-Bound Methods for Mixed-Integer Programming: The zoom System Informs Journal On Computing. 1: 44-51. DOI: 10.1287/Ijoc.1.1.44  0.347
1987 Benson HP, Morin TL. A bicriteria mathematical programming model for nutrition planning in developing nations Management Science. 33: 1593-1601. DOI: 10.1287/Mnsc.33.12.1593  0.598
1986 Evans GW, Morin TL. Hybrid Dynamic Programming/Branch-and-Bound Strategies for Electric Power Generation Planning Iie Transactions. 18: 138-147. DOI: 10.1080/07408178608975341  0.334
1984 Hazen GB, Morin TL. Steepest ascent algorithms for nonconical multiple objective programming Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 100: 188-221. DOI: 10.1016/0022-247X(84)90075-1  0.347
1983 Hazen GB, Morin TL. Nonconical optimality conditions: Some additional results Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 41: 619-623. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00934647  0.311
1983 Hazen GB, Morin TL. Optimality conditions in nonconical multiple-objective programming Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 40: 25-60. DOI: 10.1007/Bf00934630  0.358
1982 Evans GW, Morin TL, Moskowitz H. Multiobjective Energy Generation Planning Under Uncertainty Iie Transactions. 14: 183-192. DOI: 10.1080/05695558208975058  0.306
1982 Morin TL. Monotonicity and the principle of optimality Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 88: 665-674. DOI: 10.1016/0022-247X(82)90223-2  0.389
1976 Morin TL, Marsten RE. An Algorithm for Nonlinear Knapsack Problems Management Science. 22: 1147-1158. DOI: 10.1287/Mnsc.22.10.1147  0.326
1975 Morin TL. Technical Note—Multidimensional Sequencing Rule Operations Research. 23: 576-580. DOI: 10.1287/Opre.23.3.576  0.335
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