Year |
Citation |
Score |
2022 |
Jalalabadi R, Stoesser T. Reynolds and dispersive shear stress in free-surface turbulent channel flow over square bars. Physical Review. E. 105: 035102. PMID 35428153 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.105.035102 |
0.458 |
2020 |
Adzic F, Stoesser T, Morris E, Runge S. Design and Performance of a Novel Spillway Turbine Journal of Power and Energy Engineering. 8: 14-31. DOI: 10.4236/Jpee.2020.85002 |
0.398 |
2020 |
Zhang C, Kang Z, Stoesser T, Xie Z, Massie L. Experimental investigation on the VIV of a slender body under the combination of uniform flow and top-end surge Ocean Engineering. 216: 108094. DOI: 10.1016/J.OCEANENG.2020.108094 |
0.383 |
2020 |
Xie Z, Stoesser T. Two-phase flow simulation of breaking solitary waves over surface-piercing and submerged conical structures Ocean Engineering. 213: 107679. DOI: 10.1016/J.Oceaneng.2020.107679 |
0.379 |
2020 |
Xie Z, Stoesser T. A three-dimensional Cartesian cut-cell/volume-of-fluid method for two-phase flows with moving bodies Journal of Computational Physics. 416: 109536. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jcp.2020.109536 |
0.537 |
2020 |
Jiang Y, Zhao P, Stoesser T, Wang K, Zou L. Experimental and numerical investigation of twin vertical axis wind turbines with a deflector Energy Conversion and Management. 209: 112588. DOI: 10.1016/J.Enconman.2020.112588 |
0.375 |
2020 |
Xie Z, Stoesser T, Yan S, Ma Q, Lin P. A Cartesian cut-cell based multiphase flow model for large-eddy simulation of three-dimensional wave-structure interaction Computers & Fluids. 213: 104747. DOI: 10.1016/j.compfluid.2020.104747 |
0.36 |
2019 |
Massie L, Ouro P, Stoesser T, Luo Q. An Actuator Surface Model to Simulate Vertical Axis Turbines Energies. 12: 4741. DOI: 10.3390/En12244741 |
0.533 |
2019 |
Yan S, Li Q, Wang J, Ma Q, Xie Z, Stoesser T. Comparative Numerical Study on Focusing Wave Interaction with FPSO-like Structure International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering. 29: 149-157. DOI: 10.17736/Ijope.2019.Jc754 |
0.318 |
2019 |
Ransley E, Yan S, Brown SA, Mai T, Graham D, Ma Q, Musiedlak P, Engsig-Karup AP, Eskilsson C, Li Q, Wang J, Xie Z, Venkatachalam S, Stoesser T, Zhuang Y, et al. A Blind Comparative Study of Focused Wave Interactions with a Fixed FPSO-like Structure (CCP-WSI Blind Test Series 1) International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering. 29: 113-127. DOI: 10.17736/Ijope.2019.Jc748 |
0.308 |
2019 |
Vui Chua K, Fraga B, Stoesser T, Ho Hong S, Sturm T. Effect of Bridge Abutment Length on Turbulence Structure and Flow through the Opening Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 145: 04019024. DOI: 10.1061/(Asce)Hy.1943-7900.0001591 |
0.538 |
2019 |
Gong Y, Stoesser T, Mao J, McSherry R. LES of Flow Through and Around a Finite Patch of Thin Plates Water Resources Research. 55: 7587-7605. DOI: 10.1029/2018Wr023462 |
0.485 |
2019 |
Nikora VI, Stoesser T, Cameron SM, Stewart M, Papadopoulos K, Ouro P, McSherry R, Zampiron A, Marusic I, Falconer RA. Friction factor decomposition for rough-wall flows: theoretical background and application to open-channel flows Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 872: 626-664. DOI: 10.1017/Jfm.2019.344 |
0.523 |
2019 |
Ouro P, Runge S, Luo Q, Stoesser T. Three-dimensionality of the wake recovery behind a vertical axis turbine Renewable Energy. 133: 1066-1077. DOI: 10.1016/J.Renene.2018.10.111 |
0.515 |
2019 |
Ouro P, Fraga B, Lopez-Novoa U, Stoesser T. Scalability of an Eulerian-Lagrangian large-eddy simulation solver with hybrid MPI/OpenMP parallelisation Computers & Fluids. 179: 123-136. DOI: 10.1016/J.Compfluid.2018.10.013 |
0.413 |
2018 |
Runge S, Stoesser T, Morris E, White M. Technology Readiness of a Vertical-Axis Hydro-Kinetic Turbine Journal of Power and Energy Engineering. 6: 63-85. DOI: 10.4236/Jpee.2018.68004 |
0.372 |
2018 |
Cevheri M, Stoesser T. Large-eddy simulation of a jet in crossflow using local mesh refinement Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, An International Journal. 18: 137. DOI: 10.1504/Pcfd.2018.091703 |
0.435 |
2018 |
Ouro P, Stoesser T, Ramírez L. Effect of Blade Cambering on Dynamic Stall in View of Designing Vertical Axis Turbines Journal of Fluids Engineering. 140. DOI: 10.1115/1.4039235 |
0.435 |
2018 |
McSherry R, Chua K, Stoesser T, Mulahasan S. Free surface flow over square bars at intermediate relative submergence Journal of Hydraulic Research. 56: 825-843. DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2017.1413601 |
0.538 |
2018 |
Mitrou E, Fraga B, Stoesser T. An Eulerian- Lagrangian numerical method to predict bubbly flows E3s Web of Conferences. 40: 05027. DOI: 10.1051/E3SCONF/20184005027 |
0.46 |
2018 |
Mulahasan S, Stoesser T. Inferring thermal turbulent structures properties in the wake of an array cylindrical obstacles E3s Web of Conferences. 40: 05007. DOI: 10.1051/E3SCONF/20184005007 |
0.315 |
2018 |
Ouro P, Stoesser T. Impact of Environmental Turbulence on the Performance and Loadings of a Tidal Stream Turbine Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. 102: 613-639. DOI: 10.1007/S10494-018-9975-6 |
0.486 |
2017 |
Ouro P, Fraga B, Viti N, Angeloudis A, Stoesser T, Gualtieri C. Instantaneous transport of a passive scalar in a turbulent separated flow. Environmental Fluid Mechanics (Dordrecht, Netherlands : 2001). 18: 487-513. PMID 31258455 DOI: 10.1007/S10652-017-9567-3 |
0.605 |
2017 |
Gualtieri C, Angeloudis A, Bombardelli F, Jha S, Stoesser T. On the Values for the Turbulent Schmidt Number in Environmental Flows Fluids. 2: 17. DOI: 10.3390/Fluids2020017 |
0.572 |
2017 |
Mulahasan S, Stoesser T. Flow resistance of in-line vegetation in open channel flow International Journal of River Basin Management. 15: 329-334. DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2017.1307847 |
0.508 |
2017 |
Mulahasan S, Stoesser T, McSherry R. Effect of Floodplain Obstructions on the Discharge Conveyance Capacity of Compound Channels Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering. 143: 04017045. DOI: 10.1061/(Asce)Ir.1943-4774.0001240 |
0.461 |
2017 |
Xie Z, Lu L, Stoesser T, Lin J, Pavlidis D, Salinas P, Pain CC, Matar OK. Numerical simulation of three-dimensional breaking waves and its interaction with a vertical circular cylinder Journal of Hydrodynamics. 29: 800-804. DOI: 10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60791-6 |
0.313 |
2017 |
McSherry RJ, Chua KV, Stoesser T. Large eddy simulation of free-surface flows Journal of Hydrodynamics. 29: 1-12. DOI: 10.1016/S1001-6058(16)60712-6 |
0.532 |
2017 |
Ouro P, Harrold M, Stoesser T, Bromley P. Hydrodynamic loadings on a horizontal axis tidal turbine prototype Journal of Fluids and Structures. 71: 78-95. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jfluidstructs.2017.03.009 |
0.462 |
2017 |
Priegue L, Stoesser T. The influence of blade roughness on the performance of a vertical axis tidal turbine International Journal of Marine Energy. 17: 136-146. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ijome.2017.01.009 |
0.45 |
2017 |
Liu Y, Stoesser T, Fang H, Papanicolaou A, Tsakiris AG. Turbulent flow over an array of boulders placed on a rough, permeable bed Computers & Fluids. 158: 120-132. DOI: 10.1016/J.Compfluid.2017.05.023 |
0.589 |
2017 |
Ouro P, Stoesser T. An immersed boundary-based large-eddy simulation approach to predict the performance of vertical axis tidal turbines Computers & Fluids. 152: 74-87. DOI: 10.1016/J.Compfluid.2017.04.003 |
0.549 |
2017 |
Fang HW, Liu Y, Stoesser T. Influence of Boulder Concentration on Turbulence and Sediment Transport in Open‐Channel Flow Over Submerged Boulders Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. 122: 2392-2410. DOI: 10.1002/2017Jf004221 |
0.456 |
2016 |
Fraga B, Stoesser T, Lai CCK, Socolofsky SA. A LES-based Eulerian-Lagrangian approach to predict the dynamics of bubble plumes Ocean Modelling. 97: 27-36. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ocemod.2015.11.005 |
0.46 |
2016 |
Angeloudis A, Stoesser T, Gualtieri C, Falconer RA. Contact Tank Design Impact on Process Performance Environmental Modeling & Assessment. 21: 563-576. DOI: 10.1007/S10666-016-9502-X |
0.455 |
2016 |
Cevheri M, McSherry R, Stoesser T. A local mesh refinement approach for large-eddy simulations of turbulent flows International Journal For Numerical Methods in Fluids. 82: 261-285. DOI: 10.1002/Fld.4217 |
0.538 |
2016 |
Fraga B, Stoesser T. Influence of bubble size, diffuser width, and flow rate on the integral behavior of bubble plumes Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 121: 3887-3904. DOI: 10.1002/2015Jc011381 |
0.405 |
2015 |
Stoesser T, McSherry R, Fraga B. Secondary Currents and Turbulence over a Non-Uniformly Roughened Open-Channel Bed Water. 7: 4896-4913. DOI: 10.3390/W7094896 |
0.547 |
2015 |
Kara S, Stoesser T, Sturm TW, Mulahasan S. Flow dynamics through a submerged bridge opening with overtopping Journal of Hydraulic Research. 53: 186-195. DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2014.967821 |
0.582 |
2015 |
Kara S, Kara MC, Stoesser T, Sturm TW. Free-surface versus rigid-lid LES computations for bridge-abutment flow Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 141. DOI: 10.1061/(Asce)Hy.1943-7900.0001028 |
0.538 |
2015 |
Hong SH, Sturm TW, Stoesser T. Clear water abutment scour in a compound channel for extreme hydrologic events Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 141. DOI: 10.1061/(Asce)Hy.1943-7900.0001002 |
0.554 |
2015 |
Gandhi V, Bryant DB, Socolofsky SA, Stoesser T, Kim JH. Concentration-based decomposition of the flow around a confined cylinder in a UV disinfection reactor Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 141. DOI: 10.1061/(Asce)Em.1943-7889.0000959 |
0.517 |
2015 |
Angeloudis A, Stoesser T, Falconer RA, Kim D. Flow, transport and disinfection performance in small- and full-scale contact tanks Journal of Hydro-Environment Research. 9: 15-27. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jher.2014.07.001 |
0.699 |
2014 |
Angeloudis A, Stoesser T, Falconer RA. Predicting the disinfection efficiency range in chlorine contact tanks through a CFD-based approach. Water Research. 60: 118-29. PMID 24835958 DOI: 10.1016/J.Watres.2014.04.037 |
0.361 |
2014 |
Angeloudis A, Stoesser T, Kim D, Falconer RA. Modelling of flow, transport and disinfection kinetics in contact tanks Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Water Management. 167: 532-546. DOI: 10.1680/WAMA.13.00045 |
0.422 |
2014 |
Kara MC, Stoesser T. A strong fsi coupling scheme to investigate the onset of resonance of cylinders in tandem arrangement Proceedings of the International Conference On Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - Omae. 2. DOI: 10.1115/OMAE2014-23972 |
0.354 |
2014 |
Stoesser T. Large-eddy simulation in hydraulics: Quo Vadis? Journal of Hydraulic Research. 52: 441-452. DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2014.944227 |
0.549 |
2014 |
Kim D, Stoesser T, Kim J. Closure to “The effect of baffle spacing on hydrodynamics and solute transport in serpentine contact tanks“ Journal of Hydraulic Research. 52: 154-154. DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2013.877529 |
0.594 |
2014 |
Bruder B, Bomminayuni S, Haas K, Stoesser T. Modeling tidal distortion in the Ogeechee Estuary Ocean Modelling. 82: 60-69. DOI: 10.1016/J.Ocemod.2014.08.004 |
0.384 |
2013 |
Kim D, Stoesser T, Kim J. The effect of baffle spacing on hydrodynamics and solute transport in serpentine contact tanks Journal of Hydraulic Research. 51: 558-568. DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2013.777681 |
0.688 |
2013 |
Bomminayuni S, Stoesser T, Boe Olsen NR. Evaluation of Low Reynolds Number Turbulence Models for an Open-Channel Flow over a Rough Bed Using LES Data Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 139: 664-668. DOI: 10.1061/(Asce)Hy.1943-7900.0000708 |
0.565 |
2013 |
Kim D, Stoesser T, Kim J. Modeling aspects of flow and solute transport simulations in water disinfection tanks Applied Mathematical Modelling. 37: 8039-8050. DOI: 10.1016/J.Apm.2013.03.031 |
0.737 |
2013 |
Bai J, Fang H, Stoesser T. Transport and deposition of fine sediment in open channels with different aspect ratios Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 38: 591-600. DOI: 10.1002/Esp.3304 |
0.474 |
2012 |
Papanicolaou AN, Kramer CM, Tsakiris AG, Stoesser T, Bomminayuni S, Chen Z. Effects of a fully submerged boulder within a boulder array on the mean and turbulent flow fields: Implications to bedload transport Acta Geophysica. 60: 1502-1546. DOI: 10.2478/S11600-012-0044-6 |
0.524 |
2012 |
Baranya S, Olsen NRB, Stoesser T, Sturm T. Three-Dimensional Rans Modeling of Flow Around Circular Piers using Nested Grids Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics. 6: 648-662. DOI: 10.1080/19942060.2012.11015449 |
0.567 |
2012 |
Kara S, Stoesser T, Sturm TW. Turbulence statistics in compound channels with deep and shallow overbank flows Journal of Hydraulic Research. 50: 482-493. DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2012.724194 |
0.479 |
2012 |
Bomminayuni S, Bruder B, Stoesser T, Haas K. Assessment of hydrokinetic energy near Rose Dhu Island, Georgia Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy. 4. DOI: 10.1063/1.4766884 |
0.444 |
2011 |
Gandhi V, Roberts PJ, Stoesser T, Wright H, Kim JH. UV reactor flow visualization and mixing quantification using three-dimensional laser-induced fluorescence. Water Research. 45: 3855-62. PMID 21612811 DOI: 10.1016/J.Watres.2011.04.041 |
0.555 |
2011 |
Bomminayuni S, Stoesser T. Turbulence Statistics in an Open-Channel Flow over a Rough Bed Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 137: 1347-1358. DOI: 10.1061/(Asce)Hy.1943-7900.0000454 |
0.562 |
2011 |
Kim SJ, Stoesser T. Closure modeling and direct simulation of vegetation drag in flow through emergent vegetation Water Resources Research. 47. DOI: 10.1029/2011Wr010561 |
0.523 |
2010 |
Stoesser T. Physically Realistic Roughness Closure Scheme to Simulate Turbulent Channel Flow over Rough Beds within the Framework of LES Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 136: 812-819. DOI: 10.1061/(Asce)Hy.1943-7900.0000236 |
0.578 |
2010 |
Stoesser T, Kim SJ, Diplas P. Turbulent flow through idealized emergent vegetation Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 136: 1003-1017. DOI: 10.1061/(Asce)Hy.1943-7900.0000153 |
0.567 |
2010 |
Kim D, Kim D, Kim J, Stoesser T. Large Eddy Simulation of Flow and Tracer Transport in Multichamber Ozone Contactors Journal of Environmental Engineering. 136: 22-31. DOI: 10.1061/(Asce)Ee.1943-7870.0000118 |
0.737 |
2010 |
Stoesser T, Ruether N, Olsen NRB. Calculation of primary and secondary flow and boundary shear stresses in a meandering channel Advances in Water Resources. 33: 158-170. DOI: 10.1016/J.Advwatres.2009.11.001 |
0.541 |
2009 |
Stoesser T, Salvador GP, Rodi W, Diplas P. Large eddy simulation of turbulent flow through submerged vegetation Transport in Porous Media. 78: 347-365. DOI: 10.1007/S11242-009-9371-8 |
0.594 |
2009 |
Palau-Salvador G, Stoesser T, Fröhlich J, Kappler M, Rodi W. Large Eddy Simulations and Experiments of Flow Around Finite-Height Cylinders Flow, Turbulence and Combustion. 84: 239-275. DOI: 10.1007/S10494-009-9232-0 |
0.595 |
2008 |
Stoesser T, Nikora VI. Flow structure over square bars at intermediate submergence: Large Eddy Simulation study of bar spacing effect Acta Geophysica. 56: 876-893. DOI: 10.2478/S11600-008-0030-1 |
0.55 |
2008 |
Stoesser T, Braun C, García-Villalba M, Rodi W. Turbulence Structures in Flow over Two-Dimensional Dunes Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 134: 42-55. DOI: 10.1061/(Asce)0733-9429(2008)134:1(42) |
0.588 |
2008 |
Palau-Salvador G, Stoesser T, Rodi W. LES of the flow around two cylinders in tandem Journal of Fluids and Structures. 24: 1304-1312. DOI: 10.1016/J.Jfluidstructs.2008.07.002 |
0.566 |
2006 |
Wilson C, Yagci O, Rauch H, Stoesser T. Application of the drag force approach to model the flow‐interaction of natural vegetation International Journal of River Basin Management. 4: 137-146. DOI: 10.1080/15715124.2006.9635283 |
0.374 |
2006 |
Wilson CAME, Stoesser T, Bates PD, Bateman Pinzen A. Closure to "open channel flow through different forms of submerged flexible vegetation" by C. A. M. E. Wilson, T. Stoesser, P. D. Bates, and A. Batemann Pinzen Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 132: 750. DOI: 10.1061/(Asce)0733-9429(2006)132:7(750) |
0.346 |
2005 |
Polatel C, Stoesser T, Muste M. Velocity profile characteristics in open channel flow over two-dimensional dunes with small relative submergence World Water Congress 2005: Impacts of Global Climate Change - Proceedings of the 2005 World Water and Environmental Resources Congress. 453. DOI: 10.1061/40792(173)453 |
0.514 |
2003 |
Stoesser T, Wilson CAME, Bates PD, Dittrich A. Application of a 3D numerical model to a river with vegetated floodplains Journal of Hydroinformatics. 5: 99-112. DOI: 10.2166/Hydro.2003.0008 |
0.468 |
2003 |
Wilson CAME, Stoesser T, Olsen NRB, Bates PD. Application and validation of numerical codes in the prediction of compound channel flows Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Water and Maritime Engineering. 156: 117-128. DOI: 10.1680/WAME.2003.156.2.117 |
0.3 |
2003 |
Wilson CAME, Stoesser T, Bates PD, Batemann Pinzen A. Open channel flow through different forms of submerged flexible vegetation Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 129: 847-853. DOI: 10.1061/(Asce)0733-9429(2003)129:11(847) |
0.498 |
2001 |
Fischer-Antze T, Stoesser T, Bates P, Olsen N. 3D numerical modelling of open-channel flow with submerged vegetation Journal of Hydraulic Research. 39: 303-310. DOI: 10.1080/00221680109499833 |
0.5 |
Show low-probability matches. |