Ian W. Gapp, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2014 | Geology | University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, United States |
Paleontology, Paleoecology, GeologyGoogle:
"Ian Gapp"Parents
Sign in to add mentorBruce S. Lieberman | grad student | 2007-2014 | University of Kansas | |
(Phylogenetic analyses of trilobites from the Cambrian and Ordovician radiations.) |
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Gapp IW, Lieberman BS. (2014) New olenelloid trilobites from the Northwest Territories, Canada. Zootaxa. 3866: 479-98 |
ÁLvaro JJ, Ahlberg P, Babcockl.E. LE, et al. (2013) Global Cambrian trilobite palaeobiogeography assessed using parsimony analysis of endemicity Geological Society Memoir. 38: 273-296 |
Gapp IW, Congreve CR, Lieberman BS. (2012) Unraveling the phylogenetic relationships of the Eccoptochilinae, an enigmatic array of ordovician cheirurid trilobites. Plos One. 7: e49115 |
Gapp IW, Lieberman BS, Pope MC, et al. (2011) New olenelline trilobites from the northwest territories, canada, and the phylogenetic placement of judomia absita fritz, 1973 Zootaxa. 15-28 |