Jessica E. Light, Ph.D.

Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, United States 
Mammal systematics
"Jessica Light"


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Mark S. Hafner grad student 2000-2005 Louisiana State
 (Host-parasite cophylogeny and rates of evolution in two-rodent-louse assemblages.)
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Zecca IB, Hodo CL, Swarts HM, et al. (2021) Trypanosoma cruzi and Incidental Sarcocystis spp. in Endangered Ocelots (Leopardus pardalis) of South Texas, USA. Journal of Wildlife Diseases
Siciliano-Martina L, Light JE, Lawing AM. (2021) Cranial morphology of captive mammals: a meta-analysis. Frontiers in Zoology. 18: 4
Kjeldgaard MK, Takano OM, Bockoven AA, et al. (2019) Red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) aggression influences the behavior of three hard tick species. Experimental & Applied Acarology
Hafner DJ, Hafner MS, Spradling TA, et al. (2019) Temporal and spatial dynamics of competitive parapatry in chewing lice. Ecology and Evolution. 9: 7410-7424
Hancock ZB, Hardin FO, Light JE. (2019) Phylogeography of sand‐burrowing amphipods (Haustoriidae) supports an ancient suture zone in the Gulf of Mexico Journal of Biogeography. 46: 2532-2547
Neiswenter SA, Hafner DJ, Light JE, et al. (2019) Phylogeography and taxonomic revision of Nelson’s pocket mouse (Chaetodipus nelsoni) Journal of Mammalogy. 100: 1847-1864
Demastes JW, Hafner DJ, Hafner MS, et al. (2018) Loss of genetic diversity, recovery, and allele surfing in a colonizing parasite, Geomydoecus aurei. Molecular Ecology
Anderson AP, Light JE, Takano OM, et al. (2018) Population structure of the Townsend’s big-eared bat (Corynorhinus townsendii townsendii) in California Journal of Mammalogy. 99: 646-658
Arcangeli J, Light JE, Cervantes FA. (2018) Molecular and morphological evidence of the diversification in the gray mouse opossum, Tlacuatzin canescens (Didelphimorphia), with description of a new species Journal of Mammalogy. 99: 138-158
Light JE, Harper S, Johnson K, et al. (2017) Development and Characterization of 12 Novel Polymorphic Microsatellite Loci for the Mammal Chewing Louse Geomydoecus aurei (Insecta: Phthiraptera) and a Comparison of Next-Generation Sequencing Approaches for Use in Parasitology. The Journal of Parasitology
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