Julien Kimmig, Ph.D.

2016-2020 University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, United States 
 2020-2023 Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA, United States 
 2022- Staatlichen Museum für Naturkunde Karlsruhe 
 2023- University of North Dakota, Grand Forks 
Paleontology, Sedimentology, Geology
"Julien Kimmig"


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Mike Reich research assistant 2007-2008 Universität Göttingen
Gernot Arp research assistant 2008-2008 Universität Göttingen
 (Undergraduate Thesis Advisor)
Joachim Reitner research assistant 2008-2008 Universität Göttingen
 (Undergraduate Thesis Advisor)
Sandra D. Chapman grad student 2008-2009 Natural History Museum London
Spencer Lucas grad student 2008-2009 Imperial College London
Brian R. Pratt grad student 2011-2014 University of Saskatchewan
Bruce S. Lieberman research scientist 2016-2019 University of Kansas
BETA: Related publications


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Ma S, Kimmig J, Schiffbauer JD, et al. (2025) Deep water vetulicolians from the lower Cambrian of China. Peerj. 13: e18864
Kimmig J, Schiffbauer JD. (2024) A modern definition of Fossil-Lagerstätten. Trends in Ecology & Evolution
Kimmig J, LaVine RJ, Schiffbauer JD, et al. (2023) Annelids from the Cambrian (Wuliuan Stage, Miaolingian) Spence Shale Lagerstätte of northern Utah, USA. Historical Biology. 36: 934-943
Yang X, Kimmig J, Schiffbauer JD, et al. (2023) from the Cambrian of China elucidates the dispersal and palaeogeographic distribution of early deuterostomes and the origin of the ambulacrarian larva. Peerj. 11: e16385
Farrell ÚC, Samawi R, Anjanappa S, et al. (2021) The Sedimentary Geochemistry and Paleoenvironments Project. Geobiology
Yang X, Kimmig J, Zhai D, et al. (2021) A juvenile-rich palaeocommunity of the lower Cambrian Chengjiang biota sheds light on palaeo-boom or palaeo-bust environments. Nature Ecology & Evolution
Yang X, Kimmig J, Lieberman BS, et al. (2020) A new species of the deuterostome Herpetogaster from the early Cambrian Chengjiang biota of South China. Die Naturwissenschaften. 107: 37
Leibach WW, Rose N, Bader K, et al. (2020) Horseshoe crab trace fossils and associated ichnofauna of the Pony Creek Shale Lagerstätte, Upper Pennsylvanian, Kansas, USA Ichnos-An International Journal For Plant and Animal Traces. 1-12
Kimmig J, Selden PA. (2020) A new shell-bearing organism from the Cambrian Spence Shale of Utah Palaeoworld
Kimmig J, Couto H, Leibach WW, et al. (2019) Soft-bodied fossils from the upper Valongo Formation (Middle Ordovician: Dapingian-Darriwilian) of northern Portugal. Die Naturwissenschaften. 106: 27
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