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Herbert E. Wright grad student 1984-1988 University of Minnesota - Minneapolis (Anthropology Tree)
 (Climate change, fire occurrence, and forest influences during the last 750 years in northwestern Minnesota)


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Dave Bell grad student USFS
Aaron B. Berdanier grad student Duke
Phil Camill grad student Bowdoin College
Philip Camill grad student Bowdoin College
Mike Dietze grad student Boston University
Michelle H. Hersh grad student Sarah Lawrence College (Evolution Tree)
Matthew Kwit grad student Duke
Jacqueline E. Mohan grad student Duke (Terrestrial Ecology Tree)
Emily Moran grad student Duke
Bijan Seyednasrollah grad student Duke
beck tang grad student Middlebury College
Denis Valle grad student UF Gainesville
Kai Zhu grad student University of Michigan (Microtree)
Brian Beckage grad student 2000 Duke
Janneke H. Ris Lambers grad student 2001 Duke (Evolution Tree)
Jason S. McLachlan grad student 2004 Duke
Shannon L. LaDeau grad student 2005 Duke
Michael C. Dietze grad student 2006 Duke
Ines Ibanez grad student 2006 Duke
Michael S. Wolosin grad student 2007 Duke
Fernando C. Colchero Aragones grad student 2008 Duke
Carl F. Salk grad student 2011 Duke
Tong Qiu post-doc Duke
Maria Soledad Benitez Ponce post-doc 2011-2014 Duke (Evolution Tree)
BETA: Related publications


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Journé V, Bogdziewicz M, Courbaud B, et al. (2024) The Relationship Between Maturation Size and Maximum Tree Size From Tropical to Boreal Climates. Ecology Letters. 27: e14500
Qiu T, Clark JS, Kovach KR, et al. (2024) Remotely sensed crown nutrient concentrations modulate forest reproduction across the contiguous United States. Ecology. e4366
Núñez CL, Clark JS, Poulsen JR. (2024) Disturbance sensitivity shapes patterns of tree species distribution in Afrotropical lowland rainforests more than climate or soil. Ecology and Evolution. 14: e11329
Tang B, Roberts SM, Clark JS, et al. (2023) Mechanistic modeling of climate effects on redistribution and population growth in a community of fish species. Global Change Biology. 29: 6399-6414
Qiu T, Aravena MC, Ascoli D, et al. (2023) Masting is uncommon in trees that depend on mutualist dispersers in the context of global climate and fertility gradients. Nature Plants
Bogdziewicz M, Calama R, Courbaud B, et al. (2023) How to measure mast seeding? The New Phytologist
Girard-Tercieux C, Maréchaux I, Clark AT, et al. (2023) Rethinking the nature of intraspecific variability and its consequences on species coexistence. Ecology and Evolution. 13: e9860
Scher CL, Clark JS. (2023) Species traits and observer behaviors that bias data assimilation and how to accommodate them. Ecological Applications : a Publication of the Ecological Society of America. e2815
Qiu T, Andrus R, Aravena MC, et al. (2022) Limits to reproduction and seed size-number trade-offs that shape forest dominance and future recovery. Nature Communications. 13: 2381
Journé V, Andrus R, Aravena MC, et al. (2022) Globally, tree fecundity exceeds productivity gradients. Ecology Letters
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