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Chapple DG, Birkett A, Miller KA, et al. (2012) Phylogeography of the endangered Otago skink, Oligosoma otagense: population structure, hybridisation and genetic diversity in captive populations. Plos One. 7: e34599
Chapple DG, Ritchie PA, Daugherty CH. (2009) Origin, diversification, and systematics of the New Zealand skink fauna (Reptilia: Scincidae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 52: 470-87
Woo KL, Hunt M, Harper D, et al. (2009) Discrimination of flicker frequency rates in the reptile tuatara (Sphenodon ). Die Naturwissenschaften. 96: 415-9
Liggins L, Chapple DG, Daugherty CH, et al. (2008) Origin and post-colonization evolution of the Chatham Islands skink (Oligosoma nigriplantare nigriplantare). Molecular Ecology. 17: 3290-305
O'Neill SB, Chapple DG, Daugherty CH, et al. (2008) Phylogeography of two New Zealand lizards: McCann's skink (Oligosoma maccanni) and the brown skink (O. zelandicum). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 48: 1168-77
Hare KM, Daugherty CH, Chapple DG. (2008) Comparative phylogeography of three skink species (Oligosoma moco, O. smithi, O. suteri; Reptilia: Scincidae) in northeastern New Zealand. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 46: 303-15
Greaves SN, Chapple DG, Gleeson DM, et al. (2007) Phylogeography of the spotted skink (Oligosoma lineoocellatum) and green skink (O. chloronoton) species complex (Lacertilia: Scincidae) in New Zealand reveals pre-Pleistocene divergence. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 45: 729-39
Mitchell NJ, Nelson NJ, Cree A, et al. (2006) Support for a rare pattern of temperature-dependent sex determination in archaic reptiles: evidence from two species of tuatara (Sphenodon). Frontiers in Zoology. 3: 9
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