People with institution matching "Georgia State University": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
Chester A. Barner (Info) Georgia State Sciences Education, General Religion, Evolution and Development Biology pq 2016‑05‑13
Matthew Grober (Info) Georgia State neuroethology, Neuroendocrinology, Development and Evolution of Vertebrate Sexual Plasticity asifg 2009‑01‑20
Lisa A. Heimbauer (Info) Georgia State Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Evolution and Development Biology pq 2016‑05‑15
Kwevitoukoui Hounkpati (Info) Université de Lomé, University of Georgia, Grain de Sel Togo, Inc Entomology, Biosystematic, Coccinellidae bhounkpati 2020‑06‑19
Paul S. Katz (Info) Georgia State, U Mass Amherst Central pattern generators / neuromodulation / evolution / neuromics / evolution / Connectomics pskatz 2006‑03‑11
Lake Li (Info) Georgia State Evolution of Purine Metabolic Pathway zli38 2023‑03‑15
Lisa Martin-Hansen (Info) Georgia State Sciences Education, General Religion, Evolution and Development Biology pq 2016‑05‑13
Michael J. Owren (Info) Georgia State Cognitive Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Evolution and Development Biology pq 2016‑05‑15
Dorothy H. Paul (Info) University of Victoria Neuroethology, crustacean neurobiology, locomotory behavior, muscles, cns, propioceptors, comparative studies into cns evolution, sand crab research (Emerita analoga) avidal1 2006‑10‑31
John L. Pecore (Info) Georgia State Secondary Education, Sciences Education, Instructional Design Education pq 2016‑05‑13
Jared M. Rashford (Info) Georgia State Sciences Education, Philosophy of Education, Curriculum and Instruction Education, Philosophy of Science pq 2016‑05‑13
Amy B. Slack (Info) Georgia State Sciences Education, Teacher Training Education pq 2016‑05‑13
Daniel Snyder (Info) Middle Georgia State University cabrochu 2013‑09‑03
Walter Wilczynski (Info) Georgia State jm 2006‑12‑07
Degninou Yehadji (Info) Georgia State bhounkpati 2020‑06‑19
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