People with institution matching "San Francisco State University": Advanced Search
Name Institution Area Added by Date  
David C. Blackburn (Info) UF Gainesville Evolution, amphibian biology heter0pelis 2016‑12‑24
Thuane Bochorny (Info) Universidade Estadual de Campinas botany, molecular biology, systematics, evolution, biogeography Bochorny 2019‑10‑28
Sarah Cohen (Info) San Francisco State evolutionary ecology ashleyls 2009‑11‑07
Caroline Dingle (Info) The University of Hong Kong cdingle 2015‑12‑07
Chris R. Feldman (Info) University of Nevada, Reno Herpetology, Evolution jfparham 2013‑09‑05
Brian Freiermuth (Info) San Francisco State heter0pelis 2016‑12‑24
Alex R Gunderson (Info) Tulane Physiological and evolutionary ecollogy argunderson 2021‑03‑17
Gregory Jongsma (Info) San Francisco State heter0pelis 2016‑12‑24
Marcel Talla Kouete (Info) San Francisco State heter0pelis 2016‑12‑24
Irby Lovette (Info) Cornell jembrown 2011‑05‑11
Brian A. Perry (Info) Harvard pq 2016‑01‑04
Thomas Bates Smith (Info) UCLA Evolutionary ecology, speciation, and conservation of vertebrates, especially in the tropics. irbylovette 2011‑06‑30
Jonathon Stillman (Info) San Francisco State, UC Berkeley Marine Environmental Physiology NateMiller 2009‑10‑15
Walter J. Sundburg (Info) University of Southern Illinois Carbondale enderwilson 2020‑07‑10
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