Joanne Topol

"Joanne Topol"


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Carl S. Parker grad student 1990 Caltech
 (Transcriptional control of the drosophila segmentation gene fushi tarazu)
Edward B. Lewis post-doc
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Topol J, Dearolf CR, Prakash K, et al. (1991) Synthetic oligonucleotides recreate Drosophila fushi tarazu zebra-stripe expression. Genes & Development. 5: 855-67
Dearolf CR, Topol J, Parker CS. (1990) Transcriptional regulation of the Drosophila segmentation gene fushi tarazu (ftz) Bioessays : News and Reviews in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology. 12: 109-13
Dearolf CR, Topol J, Parker CS. (1989) The caudal gene product is a direct activator of fushi tarazu transcription during Drosophila embryogenesis. Nature. 341: 340-3
Dearolf CR, Topol J, Parker CS. (1989) Transcriptional control of Drosophila fushi tarazu zebra stripe expression. Genes & Development. 3: 384-98
Topol J, Ruden DM, Parker CS. (1985) Sequences required for in vitro transcriptional activation of a Drosophila hsp 70 gene. Cell. 42: 527-37
Parker CS, Topol J. (1984) A Drosophila RNA polymerase II transcription factor binds to the regulatory site of an hsp 70 gene. Cell. 37: 273-83
Parker CS, Topol J. (1984) A Drosophila RNA polymerase II transcription factor contains a promoter-region-specific DNA-binding activity. Cell. 36: 357-69
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