Chung-I Wu

1977-1982 Zoology University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada 
 1986-1991 Biological Sciences University of Rochester, Rochester, NY 
 1991- Biological Sciences University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
"Chung-I Wu"


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Joseph Lachance research assistant
Honghao Song research assistant
John True research assistant
Andrew Davis grad student
Mike Palopoli grad student
Daniel Perez grad student
Yang Shen grad student Chicago
Yujun Xu grad student
Norman Johnson grad student 1986-1991 Rochester
Gerald J. Wyckoff grad student 1994-2000 Chicago
Aya Takahashi grad student 1997-2000 Chicago
Julie A. Alipaz grad student 2001 Chicago
Justin Fay grad student 1997-2001 Chicago
Sha Sun grad student 2003 Chicago
Hua Tang grad student 2005 Chicago
Jennifer R. Moran grad student 2000-2006 Chicago
Joshua A. Shapiro grad student 2007 Chicago
Jian Lu grad student 2002-2008 Chicago
Eric Hungate grad student 2011 Chicago
David Turissini grad student 2011 Chicago
Yang Lyu grad student 2009-2014 Sun Yat-sen University
Shaolei Xiong grad student 2012-2015 Beijing Institute of Genomics,CAS
Yuxin Chen grad student 2010-2017 Sun Yat-sen University
Eric Cabot post-doc
Tony Greenberg post-doc Chicago
Hope Hollocher post-doc
Chau-Ti Ting post-doc
BETA: Related publications


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Ruan Y, Luo Z, Tang X, et al. (2021) On the founder effect in COVID-19 outbreaks: how many infected travelers may have started them all? National Science Review. 8: nwaa246
Wu CI, Wen H, Lu J, et al. (2021) On the origin of SARS-CoV-2-The blind watchmaker argument. Science China. Life Sciences
Wang X, He Z, Shi S, et al. (2020) Genes and speciation: is it time to abandon the biological species concept? National Science Review. 7: 1387-1397
Chen Y, Shen Y, Lin P, et al. (2019) Gene regulatory network stabilized by pervasive weak repressions: microRNA functions revealed by the May-Wigner theory. National Science Review. 6: 1176-1188
Chen Q, Lan A, Shen X, et al. (2019) Molecular evolution in small steps under prevailing negative selection - A nearly-universal rule of codon substitution. Genome Biology and Evolution
He Z, Li X, Yang M, et al. (2019) Speciation with gene flow via cycles of isolation and migration: insights from multiple mangrove taxa. National Science Review. 6: 275-288
Chen Q, He Z, Lan A, et al. (2019) Molecular evolution in large steps - Codon substitutions under positive selection. Molecular Biology and Evolution
Chen B, Shi Z, Chen Q, et al. (2019) Tumorigenesis as the paradigm of quasi-neutral molecular evolution. Molecular Biology and Evolution
Li J, Jiang L, Wu CI, et al. (2019) Small segmental duplications in Drosophila - High rate of emergence and elimination. Genome Biology and Evolution
Chen Y, Shen Y, Lin P, et al. (2019) Gene regulatory network stabilized by pervasive weak repressions: microRNA functions revealed by the May–Wigner theory National Science Review. 6: 1176-1188
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