University of Chicago

Name Area Department Start Year Stop Year Advisor
Hiroshi Akashimolecular evolution19911996 Martin Kreitman (grad student)
Julie A. Alipaz2001 Chung-I Wu (grad student)
Peter AndolfattoPopulation genetics, Genomics19941999 Martin Kreitman (grad student)
James A AshleyDrosophila neuroscience, development, RNA trafficking, synaptic physiology
Courtney C. BabbittZoology Biology2005 Nipam Patel (grad student)
Bill Ballardpopulation genetics Martin Kreitman (post-doc)
Edward M. Berger Richard C. Lewontin (post-doc)
Casey Bergmanevolution, genomics, noncoding DNA19962001 Martin Kreitman (grad student)
Brian Bettencourt2001 Martin Feder (grad student)
Julian Boggiano20052011 Rick Fehon (grad student)
Patrick O. Browngene expression1980 Nicholas R. Cozzarelli (grad student)
Andrew Taylor BurchillEvolution, animal behavior, collective behavior, ants, myrmecology, engineering20132014 Corrie S. Moreau (research assistant)
Audrey S. Chang Jerry Coyne (grad student)
Brian Charlesworthpopulation genetics, evolutionary genetics19691971 Richard C. Lewontin (post-doc)
Sidi ChenMolecular biology, cancer, gene editing, genomics, evolution, immunology
Josep Comeronmolecular evolution, population genetics Martin Kreitman (post-doc)
Donald F. Conrad2007 Jonathan K. Pritchard (grad student)
Jerry Coyne
Nicholas R. Cozzarelli
Hongzheng DaiMolecular evolution, population genetics
Norman Davidsonchemistry, ion channels1941 Hermann Irving Schlesinger (grad student)
Gregory K. Davis2002 Nipam Patel (grad student)
Daniel Davison2006 Jonathan K. Pritchard (grad student)
Jacob F. Degner Genetics2012 Jonathan K. Pritchard (grad student)
Rob DeSalleevolutionary biology19781979 Lynn Throckmorton (research assistant), Janice Spofford (research assistant)
Wei Du
Kelly A. DyerEvolutionary Genetics Jerry Coyne (research assistant)
Piotr Fabrowski20072008 Rick Fehon (grad student)
Justin FayPopulation genetics, Quantitative genetics Ecology and Evolution19972001 Chung-I Wu (grad student)
Martin Feder Paul Licht (grad student)
Rick FehonTumor suppression, epithelial integrity
Edwin Chip L. Fergusonembryonic dorsal/ventral patterning, stem cell maintenance
Allen S. Fox Zoology1948 Sewall Wright (grad student)
James Franck
Mark D. Garfinkel Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology19881993 Anthony P. Mahowald (post-doc)
Matt GiorgianniMolecular Biology2004 Nipam Patel (grad student)
John R. Glover Susan L. Lindquist (post-doc)
Delbert André Greenovarian morphogenesis Marcus R. Kronforst (post-doc)
Tony Greenberg2003 Chung-I Wu (post-doc), Jennifer R. Moran (collaborator)
Annie Greene CMB2022 Rick Fehon (grad student)
Douglas A. Hattendorfprotein folding2001 Susan L. Lindquist (grad student)
Bin Z HeGene regulatory evolution, stress response, pathogenic fungi Ecology and Evolution20062012 Martin Kreitman (grad student)
Doeke R. Hekstra Rama Ranganathan (post-doc)
Oliver R. Homannprotein folding2005 Susan L. Lindquist (grad student)
David HouleEvolutionary and Population Genetics Brian Charlesworth (post-doc)
Richard (Dick) HudsonPopulation Genetics
Eric Hungate Ecology and Evolution2011 Chung-I Wu (grad student)
Suzy SJ HurCell fate specification, morphogenesis
Carlos A. JaramilloGenetics, Entomology Biology2003 Nipam Patel (grad student)
Pengyao Jiang Ecology & Evolution20102017 John Reinitz (grad student)
Norman Johnson19921994 Michael J. Wade (post-doc)
Haig Keshishian Michael O'Shea (post-doc)
Mark Krasnowmolecular, genetic, and cellular mechanisms of tracheal development1985 Nicholas R. Cozzarelli (grad student)
Martin KreitmanMolecular population genetics, genetics of speciation
Benjamin H. KrinskyMolecular evolution, population genetics Evolutionary Biology2014 Manyuan Long (grad student)
Sridhar Kudaravalli2008 Jonathan K. Pritchard (grad student)
Patrick F. LandbackMolecular evolution, population genetics Genetics2014 Manyuan Long (grad student)
Bridget C. LearNeuroscience Biology, Genetics, Entomology Biology2001 Nipam Patel (grad student)
KathyAnn Lee DRSB2022 Rick Fehon (grad student)
Kasia Lepeta Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology20102011 Rick Fehon (grad student)
Daniel N. Lerman2003 Martin Feder (grad student)
Richard C. LewontinPopulation Genetics, Evolutionary Genetics
Susan L. Lindquistprotein folding19761978 Hewson Swift (post-doc)
Jia-Jia Liuprotein folding2000 Susan L. Lindquist (grad student)
Yuwen LiuGenomics Developmental Biology2014 Kevin P. White (grad student)
Ana LlopartSpeciation genetics20022004 Jerry Coyne (post-doc)
Manyuan LongMolecular evolution, population genetics
Jian LuEvolutionary and functional genomics of small RNAs20022008 Chung-I Wu (grad student)
Michael Ludwigevolution of development19962001 Martin Kreitman (research scientist), Casey Bergman (collaborator)
Lijia MaTF regulation2010 Kevin P. White (post-doc)
Anthony P. MahowaldGenetic Control of Development in Drosophila
Sushmita MaitraIntegrins20002006 Rick Fehon (post-doc)
Michele MarksteinGene Regulation, Embryonic Patterning, Disease Models19962000 Edwin Chip L. Ferguson (grad student)
Alfonso Martinez-Arias Malcolm J. Casadaban (grad student)
Hitoshi Matakatsu Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology2012 Rick Fehon (research scientist)
Daniel R. MatuteSpeciation Ecology and Evolution20062011 Jerry Coyne (grad student)
Pawel Michalak Martin Feder (post-doc)
Julio Miranda-Alban Ilaria Rebay (grad student)
Briana Mittleman2016 Yoav Gilad (grad student)
Jennifer R. MoranSpeciation, Behavior, Synthetic DNA20102006 Kevin P. White (post-doc), Chung-I Wu (grad student)
Nicolas NègreChromatin, genomics, segmentation2006 Kevin P. White (post-doc)
Amanda Neisch20042010 Rick Fehon (grad student)
Xiaochun NiGenomics Ecology and Evolution2011 Kevin P. White (grad student)
Mohamed A.F. NoorEvolutionary Genetics19921996 Jerry Coyne (grad student)
Jakub Nowak20082009 Rick Fehon (grad student)
Allen Orrevolutionary genetics, speciation Jerry Coyne (grad student)
Kenzi Oshima20072011 Rick Fehon (post-doc)
Arnar Palssonpopulation genetics, quantitative genetics20032006 Martin Kreitman (post-doc)
John T. Pattersonchromosomes1908 Charles Otis Whitman (grad student)
Norbert Perrimon Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology19831986 Anthony P. Mahowald (post-doc)
Alivia L. PriceMolecular Biology2005 Nipam Patel (grad student)
Catherine Price19941999 Jerry Coyne (grad student)
Jonathan K. Pritchard Marcus W. Feldman (grad student)
Theodore T. Puckbacteriophage genetics, tissue culture1940 James Franck (grad student)
Christine Queitschprotein folding2001 Susan L. Lindquist (grad student)
Rama Ranganathan
Alan Robertson Sewall Wright (grad student)
Todd A. Sangsterprotein folding2007 Susan L. Lindquist (grad student)
Danielle Scherer Rick Fehon (grad student)
Joshua A. Shapiro2007 Chung-I Wu (grad student)
Yang Shen Chung-I Wu (grad student)
Steven L. SmallLanguage
Paul D SniegowskiPopulation and Evolutionary Genetics1993 Brian Charlesworth (grad student)
Neal J. Sondheimerprotein folding2000 Susan L. Lindquist (grad student)
Spicer Committee on Evolutionary Biology19851990 Brian Charlesworth (grad student)
Rebecca F. SpokonyTranscription, Ecdysone Kevin P. White (post-doc)
Barbara Stranger
Sha SunSpeciation2003 Chung-I Wu (grad student)
Xiao Sun Ilaria Rebay (grad student)
David Suzuki Zoology1961 William K Baker (grad student)
Aya Takahashievolutionary biology, population genetics19972000 Chung-I Wu (grad student)
Hua Tang2005 Chung-I Wu (grad student)
Lynn ThrockmortonDrosophila systematics
Sherzod Tokamov Development, Regeneration and Stem Cell Biology2016 Rick Fehon (grad student)
Dara Torgerson
David Turissini Ecology and Evolution2011 Chung-I Wu (grad student)
Pam VanderzalmGrowth Control20082013 Rick Fehon (post-doc)
Benjamin F. Voight2006 Jonathan K. Pritchard (grad student)
Zhaohui Wangspermatogenesis Susan L. Lindquist (grad student)
Xiaoyue WangCancer biology, Synthetic DNA, RNAi2010 Jennifer R. Moran (collaborator), Kevin P. White (post-doc)
Yu-Chiun Wangcell shape change, tissue mechanics, epithelial folding, polarity Department of Organismal Biology and Anatomy19992006 Edwin Chip L. Ferguson (grad student)
Kevin P. WhiteGenomics Michael Ludwig (collaborator)
Audrey M. Williams Molecular Genetics and Cell Biology2015 Sally Horne-Badovinac (grad student)
Sewall WrightGenetics
Chung-I Wu
Catherine Wu Ilaria Rebay (grad student)
Gerald J. WyckoffEvolutionary Biology, Bioinformatics Committee on Genetics19942000 Chung-I Wu (grad student)
Jiajie Xu20122018 Rick Fehon (grad student)
Xinan Holly YangComputational genomics; Bioinformatics
William B. YeeStem cell, cell biology Rick Fehon (grad student)
Soojin YiEvolutionary Genomics Brian Charlesworth (grad student)
Yong Zhang
Wenyu ZhangEvolutionary genetics Department of Ecology and Evolution20132015 Manyuan Long (grad student)
Eleftherios Zourosevolutionary genetics, Drosophila, mitochondrial recombination and heteroplasmy19691972 Richard C. Lewontin (grad student)