Robert A. Drewell

Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA, United States 
Homeotic genes, gene regulation
"Robert Drewell"


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Edward B. Lewis post-doc 2002-2004


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Margaret C.W. Ho research assistant 2007-2009 Harvey Mudd College
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Drewell RA, Klonaros D, Dresch JM. (2024) Transcription factor expression landscape in Drosophila embryonic cell lines. Bmc Genomics. 25: 307
Klonaros D, Dresch JM, Drewell RA. (2023) Transcriptome profile in Drosophila Kc and S2 embryonic cell lines. G3 (Bethesda, Md.)
McCarthy GD, Drewell RA, Dresch JM. (2019) Analyzing the stability of gene expression using a simple reaction-diffusion model in an early Drosophila embryo. Mathematical Biosciences. 108239
Orlomoski R, Bogle A, Loss J, et al. (2019) Rapid and efficient purification of Drosophila homeodomain transcription factors for biophysical characterization. Protein Expression and Purification
Dresch JM, Zellers RG, Bork DK, et al. (2016) Nucleotide Interdependency in Transcription Factor Binding Sites in the Drosophila Genome. Gene Regulation and Systems Biology. 10: 21-33
Pettie KP, Dresch JM, Drewell RA. (2016) Spatial distribution of predicted transcription factor binding sites in Drosophila ChIP peaks. Mechanisms of Development
McCarthy GD, Drewell RA, Dresch JM. (2015) Global sensitivity analysis of a dynamic model for gene expression in Drosophila embryos. Peerj. 3: e1022
Zellers RG, Drewell RA, Dresch JM. (2015) MARZ: an algorithm to combinatorially analyze gapped n-mer models of transcription factor binding. Bmc Bioinformatics. 16: 30
Drewell RA, Bush EC, Remnant EJ, et al. (2014) The dynamic DNA methylation cycle from egg to sperm in the honey bee Apis mellifera. Development (Cambridge, England). 141: 2702-11
Drewell RA, Nevarez MJ, Kurata JS, et al. (2014) Deciphering the combinatorial architecture of a Drosophila homeotic gene enhancer. Mechanisms of Development. 131: 68-77
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