Noelle N. Paffett-Lugassy, Ph.D. - Publications

2007 Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 

12 high-probability publications. We are testing a new system for linking publications to authors. You can help! If you notice any inaccuracies, please sign in and mark papers as correct or incorrect matches. If you identify any major omissions or other inaccuracies in the publication list, please let us know.

Year Citation  Score
2017 Paffett-Lugassy N, Novikov N, Jeffrey S, Abrial M, Guner-Ataman B, Sakthivel S, Burns CE, Burns CG. Unique developmental trajectories and genetic regulation of ventricular and outflow tract progenitors in the zebrafish second heart field. Development (Cambridge, England). PMID 29061637 DOI: 10.1242/Dev.153411  0.437
2017 Abrial M, Paffett-Lugassy N, Jeffrey S, Jordan D, O'Loughlin E, Frederick CJ, Burns CG, Burns CE. TGF-β Signaling Is Necessary and Sufficient for Pharyngeal Arch Artery Angioblast Formation. Cell Reports. 20: 973-983. PMID 28746880 DOI: 10.1016/J.Celrep.2017.07.002  0.322
2016 Jahangiri L, Sharpe M, Novikov N, González-Rosa JM, Borikova A, Nevis K, Paffett-Lugassy N, Zhao L, Adams M, Guner-Ataman B, Burns CE, Burns CG. The AP-1 transcription factor component Fosl2 potentiates the rate of myocardial differentiation from the zebrafish second heart field. Development (Cambridge, England). 143: 113-22. PMID 26732840 DOI: 10.1242/Dev.126136  0.399
2013 Paffett-Lugassy N, Singh R, Nevis KR, Guner-Ataman B, O'Loughlin E, Jahangiri L, Harvey RP, Burns CG, Burns CE. Heart field origin of great vessel precursors relies on nkx2.5-mediated vasculogenesis. Nature Cell Biology. 15: 1362-9. PMID 24161929 DOI: 10.1038/Ncb2862  0.332
2013 Guner-Ataman B, Paffett-Lugassy N, Adams MS, Nevis KR, Jahangiri L, Obregon P, Kikuchi K, Poss KD, Burns CE, Burns CG. Zebrafish second heart field development relies on progenitor specification in anterior lateral plate mesoderm and nkx2.5 function. Development (Cambridge, England). 140: 1353-63. PMID 23444361 DOI: 10.1242/Dev.088351  0.504
2007 Paffett-Lugassy N, Hsia N, Fraenkel PG, Paw B, Leshinsky I, Barut B, Bahary N, Caro J, Handin R, Zon LI. Functional conservation of erythropoietin signaling in zebrafish Blood. 110: 2718-2726. PMID 17579187 DOI: 10.1182/Blood-2006-04-016535  0.529
2007 Hsia N, Axe JL, Paffett-Lugassy N, Zhou Y, Zon LI. Globin switching in the zebrafish Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases. 38: 145. DOI: 10.1016/J.Bcmd.2006.10.062  0.377
2005 Weber GJ, Choe SE, Dooley KA, Paffett-Lugassy NN, Zhou Y, Zon LI. Mutant-specific gene programs in the zebrafish. Blood. 106: 521-30. PMID 15827125 DOI: 10.1182/Blood-2004-11-4541  0.527
2005 Mayhall EA, Paffett-Lugassy N, Zon LI. The clinical potential of stem cells. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 16: 713-20. PMID 15530786 DOI: 10.1016/J.Ceb.2004.09.007  0.45
2005 Paffett-Lugassy NN, Zon LI. Analysis of hematopoietic development in the zebrafish. Methods in Molecular Medicine. 105: 171-98. PMID 15492396 DOI: 10.1385/1-59259-826-9:171  0.493
2004 Ransom DG, Bahary N, Niss K, Traver D, Burns C, Trede NS, Paffett-Lugassy N, Saganic WJ, Lim CA, Hersey C, Zhou Y, Barut BA, Lin S, Kingsley PD, Palis J, et al. The zebrafish moonshine gene encodes transcriptional intermediary factor 1gamma, an essential regulator of hematopoiesis. Plos Biology. 2: E237. PMID 15314655 DOI: 10.1371/Journal.Pbio.0020237  0.559
2002 Paffett-Lugassy N, Zon LI. Epo-EpoR signaling not required for cardiovascular or neural development Blood. 100: 2277-2277. DOI: 10.1182/Blood-2002-07-2279  0.518
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