Regis Ferriere

Ecology & Evolutionary Biology University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 
Ecology Biology
"Regis Ferriere"
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Johnson CA, Smith GP, Yule K, et al. (2021) Coevolutionary transitions from antagonism to mutualism explained by the Co-Opted Antagonist Hypothesis. Nature Communications. 12: 2867
Thoret E, Varnet L, Boubenec Y, et al. (2020) Characterizing amplitude and frequency modulation cues in natural soundscapes: A pilot study on four habitats of a biosphere reserve. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 147: 3260
Sauterey B, Charnay B, Affholder A, et al. (2020) Co-evolution of primitive methane-cycling ecosystems and early Earth's atmosphere and climate. Nature Communications. 11: 2705
Andrade-Restrepo M, Champagnat N, Ferrière R. (2019) Local adaptation, dispersal evolution, and the spatial eco-evolutionary dynamics of invasion. Ecology Letters. 22: 767-777
Aguilée R, Gascuel F, Lambert A, et al. (2018) Clade diversification dynamics and the biotic and abiotic controls of speciation and extinction rates. Nature Communications. 9: 3013
Billiard S, Collet P, Ferrière R, et al. (2016) The effect of competition and horizontal trait inheritance on invasion, fixation and polymorphism. Journal of Theoretical Biology
Driscoll WW, Hackett JD, Ferrière R. (2016) Eco-evolutionary feedbacks between private and public goods: evidence from toxic algal blooms. Ecology Letters. 19: 81-97
Gascuel F, Ferrière R, Aguilée R, et al. (2015) How Ecology and Landscape Dynamics Shape Phylogenetic Trees. Systematic Biology. 64: 590-607
Billiard S, Ferrière R, Méléard S, et al. (2014) Stochastic dynamics of adaptive trait and neutral marker driven by eco-evolutionary feedbacks. Journal of Mathematical Biology
Verdier B, Jouanneau I, Simonnet B, et al. (2014) Climate and atmosphere simulator for experiments on ecological systems in changing environments. Environmental Science & Technology. 48: 8744-53
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