Olivier Mathieu

Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Rennes, Bretagne, France 
"Olivier Mathieu"
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Olivier M, Hesketh A, Pouch-Pélissier MN, et al. (2023) RTEL1 is required for silencing and epigenome stability. Nucleic Acids Research
Schmücker A, Lei B, Lorković ZJ, et al. (2021) Crosstalk between H2A variant-specific modifications impacts vital cell functions. Plos Genetics. 17: e1009601
Bourguet P, Picard CL, Yelagandula R, et al. (2021) The histone variant H2A.W and linker histone H1 co-regulate heterochromatin accessibility and DNA methylation. Nature Communications. 12: 2683
Bourguet P, López-González L, Gómez-Zambrano Á, et al. (2020) DNA polymerase epsilon is required for heterochromatin maintenance in Arabidopsis. Genome Biology. 21: 283
Luxán-Hernández C, Lohmann J, Hellmeyer W, et al. (2019) PP7L is essential for MAIL1-mediated TE silencing and primary root growth. The Plant Journal : For Cell and Molecular Biology
Bourguet P, de Bossoreille S, López-González L, et al. (2018) A role for MED14 and UVH6 in heterochromatin transcription upon destabilization of silencing. Life Science Alliance. 1: e201800197
Ikeda Y, Nishihama R, Yamaoka S, et al. (2018) Loss of CG methylation in Marchantia polymorpha causes disorganization of cell division and reveals unique DNA methylation regulatory mechanisms of non-CG methylation. Plant & Cell Physiology
Ikeda Y, Pélissier T, Bourguet P, et al. (2017) Arabidopsis proteins with a transposon-related domain act in gene silencing. Nature Communications. 8: 15122
Rigal M, Becker C, Pélissier T, et al. (2016) Epigenome confrontation triggers immediate reprogramming of DNA methylation and transposon silencing in Arabidopsis thaliana F1 epihybrids. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Mathieu O, Bouché N. (2014) Interplay between chromatin and RNA processing. Current Opinion in Plant Biology. 18: 60-5
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