Garry L. Running, Ph.D.

University of Wisconsin, Madison, Madison, WI 
 University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI, United States 
Soils geomorphology, geoarchaeology
"Garry Running"


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Vance T. Holliday grad student (Anthropology Tree)
James C. Knox grad student UW Madison
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Schaetzl RJ, Larson PH, Faulkner DJ, et al. (2018) Eolian Sand and Loess Deposits Indicate West-Northwest Paleowinds During the Late Pleistocene in Western Wisconsin, USA Quaternary Research. 89: 769-785
Cronje RJ, Neff PK, Mowry D, et al. (2016) Undergraduates as environmental educators: The Pedal and Paddle Pollution Tour experience Applied Environmental Education & Communication. 15: 225-233
Faulkner DJ, Larson PH, Jol HM, et al. (2016) Autogenic incision and terrace formation resulting from abrupt late-glacial base-level fall, lower Chippewa River, Wisconsin, USA Geomorphology. 266: 75-95
Nicholson BA, Hamilton S, Running G, et al. (2006) Two Cultures—One Environment: Vickers Focus Adaptations Contrasted with Blackduck Adaptations in the Tiger Hills Plains Anthropologist. 51: 335-353
Boyd M, Hamilton S, Running GL. (2006) Reconstructing a Prairie-Woodland Mosaic on the Northern Great Plains: Risk, Resilience, and Resource Management Plains Anthropologist. 51: 235-252
Havholm KG, Running GL. (2005) Stratigraphy, sedimentology, and environmental significance of late mid-Holocene dunes, Lauder Sand Hills, glacial Lake Hind Basin, southwestern Manitoba Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 42: 847-863
Boyd M, Running GL, Havholm K. (2003) Paleoecology and geochronology of glacial Lake Hind during the Pleistocene–Holocene transition: A context for Folsom surface finds on the Canadian Prairies Geoarchaeology-An International Journal. 18: 583-607
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