James M. Mazzullo

Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, United States 
"James Mazzullo"
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Prusak D, Mazzullo JM. (1987) Sources and Provinces of Late Pleistocene and Holocene Sand and Silt on the Mid-Atlantic Continental Shelf Journal of Sedimentary Research. 57: 278-287
Graciansky PCD, Poag CW, Cunningham R, et al. (1985) The Goban Spur transect: Geologic evolution of a sediment-starved passive continental margin Geological Society of America Bulletin. 96: 58-76
Mazzullo JM, Ehrlich R, Hemming MA. (1984) Provenance and Areal Distribution of Late Pleistocene and Holocene Quartz Sand on the Southern New England Continental Shelf Journal of Sedimentary Research. 54: 1335-1348
Mazzullo JM, Withers KD. (1984) Sources, Distribution, and Mixing of Late Pleistocene and Holocene Sands on the South Texas Continental Shelf Journal of Sedimentary Research. 54: 1319-1334
Mazzullo JM, Ehrlich R. (1983) Grain-shape variation in the St. Peter Sandstone; a record of eolian and fluvial sedimentation of an early Paleozoic cratonic sheet sand Journal of Sedimentary Research. 53: 105-119
Mazzullo JM, Ehrlich R. (1980) A Vertical Pattern of Variation in the St. Peter Sandstone--Fourier Grain Shape Analysis Journal of Sedimentary Research. 50: 63-70
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