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Joanna Crowe Curran

2002-2007 Texas State University, San Marcos, San Marcos, TX, United States 
 2007- Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 
Physical Geography, Geology, Environmental Sciences
"Joanna Crowe Curran"


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Peter Richard Wilcock grad student 2002 Johns Hopkins (E-Tree)
 (An experimental study of the step pool bed form.)
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Waters KA, Curran JC. (2016) Effects of an emergent vegetation patch on channel reach bathymetry and stability during repeated unsteady flows Water Resources Research. 52: 9066-9085
Rodenburg LA, Krumins V, Curran JC. (2015) Microbial dechlorination of polychlorinated biphenyls, dibenzo-p-dioxins, and -furans at the Portland Harbor Superfund site, Oregon, USA. Environmental Science & Technology. 49: 7227-35
Curran JC, Waters KA, Cannatelli KM. (2015) Real time measurements of sediment transport and bed morphology during channel altering flow and sediment transport events Geomorphology. 244: 169-179
Waters KA, Curran JC. (2015) Linking bed morphology changes of two sediment mixtures to sediment transport predictions in unsteady flows Water Resources Research
Curran JC, Tan L. (2014) Effect of Bed Sand Content on the Turbulent Flows Associated with Clusters on an Armored Gravel Bed Surface Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 140: 137-148
Curran JC, Tan Lu. (2014) The effect of cluster morphology on the turbulent flows over an armored gravel bed surface Journal of Hydro-Environment Research. 8: 129-142
Curran JC, Cannatelli KM. (2014) The impact of beaver dams on the morphology of a river in the eastern United States with implications for river restoration Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 39: 1236-1244
Curran JC, Waters KA. (2014) The importance of bed sediment sand content for the structure of a static armor layer in a gravel bed river Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. 119: 1484-1497
Curran JC, Hession WC. (2013) Vegetative impacts on hydraulics and sediment processes across the fluvial system Journal of Hydrology. 505: 364-376
Cannatelli KM, Curran JC. (2012) Importance of Hydrology on Channel Evolution Following Dam Removal: Case Study and Conceptual Model Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. 138: 377-390
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