Jordan M. Slott, Ph.D.

2008 Earth and Ocean Sciences Duke University, Durham, NC 
Geology, Environmental Sciences
"Jordan Slott"


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Brad Murray grad student 2008 Duke
 (Numerical modeling of coastline evolution in an era of global change.)
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Gopalakrishnan S, Smith MD, Slott JM, et al. (2011) The Value of Disappearing Beaches: A hedonic pricing model with endogenous beach width Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 61: 297-310
Slott JM, Murray AB, Ashton AD. (2010) Large‐scale responses of complex‐shaped coastlines to local shoreline stabilization and climate change Journal of Geophysical Research. 115
Smith MD, Slott JM, McNamara D, et al. (2009) Beach Nourishment as a Dynamic Capital Accumulation Problem Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 58: 58-71
Slott JM, Smith MD, Murray AB. (2008) Synergies between Adjacent Beach-Nourishing Communities in a Morpho-Economic Coupled Coastline Model Coastal Management. 36: 374-391
Slott JM, Murray AB, Ashton AD, et al. (2006) Coastline responses to changing storm patterns Geophysical Research Letters. 33
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