
Carmen M. Fraticelli, Ph.D.

2004 Rice University, Houston, TX 
"Carmen Fraticelli"


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John B. Anderson grad student 2004 Rice University
 (Linking climate, sea level, and sedimentary response on the Texas shelf and upper slope: Examples from the Brazos and Colorado fluvial -deltaic systems.)
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Fraticelli CM. (2006) Climate Forcing in a Wave-Dominated Delta: The Effects of Drought–Flood Cycles on Delta Progradation Journal of Sedimentary Research. 76: 1067-1076
Fraticelli CM, Ande JB. (2001) ABSTRACT: The Influence of Delta Evolution on Upper Slope Sedimentation Aapg Bulletin. 85
Fraticelli CM, Wrenn JH. (2000) Abstract: Differentiating depositional environments in the Mahakam Delta, East Kalimantan, using siliceous phytolith and diatom distributions Aapg Bulletin
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