Kayla Iacovino

School of Earth & Space Exploration Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States 
"Kayla Iacovino"
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Edmonds M, Tutolo B, Iacovino K, et al. (2020) Magmatic carbon outgassing and uptake of CO2 by alkaline waters American Mineralogist. 105: 28-34
Iacovino K, Guild MR, Till CB. (2020) Aqueous fluids are effective oxidizing agents of the mantle in subduction zones Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 175: 1-21
Barry PH, de Moor JM, Giovannelli D, et al. (2019) Forearc carbon sink reduces long-term volatile recycling into the mantle. Nature. 568: 487-492
Ojha L, Karunatillake S, Iacovino K. (2019) Atmospheric injection of sulfur from the Medusae Fossae forming events Planetary and Space Science. 179: 104734
Iacovino K, Ju-Song K, Sisson T, et al. (2016) Quantifying gas emissions from the "Millennium Eruption" of Paektu volcano, Democratic People's Republic of Korea/China. Science Advances. 2: e1600913
Iacovino K, Oppenheimer C, Scaillet B, et al. (2016) Storage and Evolution of Mafic and Intermediate Alkaline Magmas beneath Ross Island, Antarctica Journal of Petrology. 57: 93-118
Iacovino K. (2015) Linking subsurface to surface degassing at active volcanoes: A thermodynamic model with applications to Erebus volcano Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 431: 59-74
Iacovino K, Moore G, Roggensack K, et al. (2013) H2O-CO2 solubility in mafic alkaline magma: Applications to volatile sources and degassing behavior at Erebus volcano, Antarctica Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 166: 845-860
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