Keith Beven
Affiliations: | 1974-1977 | University of Leeds, Leeds, England, United Kingdom | |
1985- | Lancaster University, Bailrigg, England, United Kingdom |
"Keith Beven"Bio:
Sign in to add mentorKeith Clayton | grad student | 1975 | |
Richard D. Hey | grad student | 1975 | University of East Anglia |
Mike J Kirkby | post-doc | 1974-1977 | University of Leeds |
BETA: Related publications
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Beven K. (2020) The era of Infiltration Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions. 1-26 |
Beven K, Asadullah A, Bates P, et al. (2020) Developing observational methods to drive future hydrological science: Can we make a start as a community? Hydrological Processes. 34: 868-873 |
Beven K. (2019) Towards a methodology for testing models as hypotheses in the inexact sciences. Proceedings. Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences. 475: 20180862 |
Hankin B, Metcalfe P, Beven K, et al. (2019) Integration of hillslope hydrology and 2D hydraulic modelling for natural flood management Hydrology Research. 50: 1535-1548 |
Beven K. (2019) How to make advances in hydrological modelling Hydrology Research. 50: 1481-1494 |
Blöschl G, Bierkens MF, Chambel A, et al. (2019) Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH) – a community perspective Hydrological Sciences Journal. 64: 1141-1158 |
Scaini A, Amvrosiadi N, Hissler C, et al. (2019) Following tracer through the unsaturated zone using a multiple interacting pathways model : Implications from laboratory experiments Hydrological Processes. 33: 2300-2313 |
Beven K. (2018) A Century of Denial:Preferential and Nonequilibrium Water Flow in Soils, 1864-1984 Vadose Zone Journal. 17: 1-17 |
Wei G, Tych W, Beven K, et al. (2018) Nierji reservoir flood forecasting based on a Data-Based Mechanistic methodology Journal of Hydrology. 567: 227-237 |
Dadson SJ, Hall JW, Murgatroyd A, et al. (2017) A restatement of the natural science evidence concerning catchment-based 'natural' flood management in the UK. Proceedings. Mathematical, Physical, and Engineering Sciences. 473: 20160706 |