Penny Rowe, Ph.D.

2004 University of Washington, Seattle, Seattle, WA 
Atmospheric Science Physics, Physical Chemistry
"Penny Rowe"


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Stephen George Warren grad student 2004 University of Washington
 (Measurements of the foreign -broadened continuum of water vapor in the 6.3 micron band at -30 Celsius.)
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Cordero RR, Feron S, Sepúlveda E, et al. (2023) Ground-based measurements of the weather-driven sky radiance distribution in the Southern Hemisphere. Plos One. 18: e0286397
Cordero RR, Sepúlveda E, Feron S, et al. (2022) Black carbon footprint of human presence in Antarctica. Nature Communications. 13: 984
Cox CJ, Walden VP, Rowe PM, et al. (2015) Humidity trends imply increased sensitivity to clouds in a warming Arctic. Nature Communications. 6: 10117
Rowe PM, Walden VP. (2009) Improved measurements of the foreign-broadened continuum of water vapor in the 6.3 microm band at -30 degrees C. Applied Optics. 48: 1358-65
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